A New Multi-Resource Allocation Mechanism:A Tradeoff between Fairness and Efficiency in Cloud Comput

来源 :中国通信(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:herozerg
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This paper addresses multi-resource fair allocation: a fundamental research topic in cloud computing. To improve resource utili-zation under well-studied faess constraints, we propose a new allocation mechanism called Dominant Resource with Bottlenecked Faess (DRBF), which generalizes Bottle-neck-aware Allocation (BAA) to the settings of Dominant Resource Faess (DRF). We classify users into different queues by their dominant resources. The goals are to ensure that users in the same queue receive alloca-tions in proportion to their fair shares while users in different queues receive allocations that maximize resource utilization subject to well-studied faess properties such as those in DRF. Under DRBF, no user 1) is worse off sharing resources than dividing resources equally among all users; 2) prefers the alloca-tion of another user; 3) can improve their own allocation without reducing other users’ alloca-tions; and (4) can benefit by misreporting their resource demands. Experiments demonstrate that the proposed allocation policy performs better in terms of high resource utilization than does DRF.
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2月24日,工业和信息化部制定了《电子信息制造业“十二五”发展规划》和《集成电路产业“十二五”发展规划》。其中《电子信息制造业“十二五”发展规划》包含《数字电视与数字家庭产业“十二五”规划》等3个子规划。  其中子规划《数字电视与数字家庭产业“十二五”规划》提出:我国要力争在“十二五”末成为全球最大的数字电视整机和关键件开发、生产基地,到2015年,以数字电视和数字家庭为主的视听产业销售产值将达到
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“中国·柯桥纺织指数”20140630期纺织品价格指数收报于104.53点,环比下跌0.30%,较年初下降1.03%,同比下降1.16%。 “China · Keqiao Textile Index” 20140630 textile
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