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人大常委会于2014年8月31日作出决定,规定香港行政长官的普选须组成一个有广泛代表性的提名委员会,提名委员会须按照目前选举委员会由1200人、四大界别同等比例组成的办法构成,并按民主程序提名产生二至三名行政长官候选人,每名候选人均须获得提名委员会全体委员半数以上的支持。这一决定具有法理正当性和制度合理性,因为只有采用提名委员会提名的机制,才有宪制性法律的依据。过半数是因提名委员会提名是机构提名,须体现集体意志,不能混同于过去的选举委员会,这有利于形成共识政治,保证选举的公平公正性与国家安全。提名2至3人能保证选举制度的竞争性,可操作性和有效性。这一决定对推动香港依法落实2017年行政长官普选具有重大意义。 On 31 August 2014, the NPC Standing Committee decided that the general election of the chief executive of Hong Kong should form a broadly representative nomination committee. The nomination committee should follow the current method of forming an electoral committee consisting of an equal proportion of 1200 persons and four major constituencies Constitute two to three candidates for Chief Executive nomination under the democratic procedure, each candidate must receive more than half of the nomination committee members. This decision is legally justified and systemically justified, because only the mechanism of nominating the nomination committee has the basis of a constitutional law. More than half the nomination committee nomination is the institutional nomination, must reflect the collective will, can not be confused with the previous Electoral Commission, which is conducive to the formation of consensus politics, to ensure the fairness and fairness of the election and national security. The nomination of two to three people ensures the competitiveness, operability and effectiveness of the electoral system. This decision is of great significance to pushing Hong Kong to implement the universal suffrage for the Chief Executive in 2017.
小竹在4月13日《中国青年报》发表书评,评介了袁丽娟著、作家出版社出版的《准备18岁》一书。文章说:这本书薄薄的,只有184页, On April 13, Kocho published a book revie
高血糖和糖尿病作为冠心病的危险因素在文献中已被广泛地讨论,而有关脑卒中的报道则很少。本文研究目的是分析和提出非空腹血糖值与其他生活方式的独立和相互作用。 该项研
前不久,《少年科学》刊载青云的文章,介绍世界上科学家正在研究和试验一种绝对保密的量子密码。文章指出: 从数学上来讲,只要掌握恰当的方法,而且尝试的次数足够多,在现有各