
来源 :中国大学生就业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xg304
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每年的八九月份,有大批的大学毕业生走上工作岗位。本文以他们为对象,传授一些尽快适应新环境、为人处事的经验,希望能给他们一些帮助。十几年的学海生涯,终于告一段落,对于刚刚进入职场的大学毕业生来说,头几天的工作感受一定很新鲜。不过,如想顺利完成由学生到职业人的转型,还得提高各方面的综合素质。保持良好心态对于众多大学毕业生来讲,无论进入哪家工作单位,大都有一种跃跃欲试的心理。但是应该了解,无论你在学院里学业成绩有多优秀、社会活动能力有多强,也不论你的雄心壮志有多高,成功决不会是孤立的,你所处的环境、你的机会,都是影响你成功的重要因素。如果能认识到这一点,就会抱着学习的态度,积极工作的态度走向你人生的第一个起点。 Every year in August and September, a large number of university graduates embark on their jobs. This article takes them as the object, teaches some experiences as soon as possible to adapt to the new environment, doing things for others, hoping to give them some help. Ten years of learning career, and finally come to an end, for just entering the workplace of university graduates, the first few days of work experience must be very fresh. However, if we want to successfully complete the transition from students to professionals, we must also improve the overall quality of all aspects. Maintaining a good attitude For many college graduates, no matter which workplace to enter, most have a tempting psychology. However, it should be understood that no matter how good academic performance you have at your college, how strong is your social activity, or how high your ambition is, success will never be isolated, your circumstances, your chances, All are factors that affect your success. If you can recognize this, you will adopt a learning attitude and a positive attitude toward your first start of life.
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丝{i·}全5业}鱼业红通}。一}些亘}32弩息5像、.了 .陌塑哩︸一霞}多二}厂、八I洲~、13:1二-二些}鲤垫退网映红大别山,才产一~卜.2一12霞,鑫几}‘。-似火焰,些丝}迅巡映山红映
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我的痛苦不需要你来分享  就让我自己在黑暗中彷徨  我不想让你和我一样  痛苦到痴狂  我曾说过我已绝望  但我无法拒绝你真诚的目光  死水般的心湖又重新荡漾  我不知你为什么有如此大的力量  能带走我记忆中的忧伤  于是我久久地,久久地满脸迷茫    多少年后我终于找到答案  原来,是友谊在我的路上洒下阳光