Analysis on Motorcycle Industry in the Past Six Months of 2001

来源 :China Auto | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhaoziyuan123
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According to Chinese motorcycle’s structure by displacement in the first six months of 2001, 50mi moped two-wheeler, as well as 110ml and 125ml two-wheelers, took a large share of motorcycle market, among which 125ml one shared around half of the total; the next is 100mi one, taking a quarter share of the total; although moped twowheelers still own a 9.08% share of, it seems to go down year by year and the market is shrunk. According to Chinese motorcycle’s structure by displacement in the first six months of 2001, 50mi moped two-wheeler, as well as 110ml and 125ml two-wheelers, took a large share of motorcycle market, among which 125ml one shared around half of the total; The next is 100mi one, taking a quarter share of the total; although moped twowheelers still own a 9.08% share of, it seems to go down year by year and the market is shrunk.
2001年7至9月向中国迁移的主要IT制造业项目概览 看了《互联网周刊》统计的这份并不完整的图表,你就会明白近半年尤其是近三个月到底发生了什么,如此大规模的产业转移是全球
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