依靠群众 脱贫致富

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陕西省永寿县座落在西北黄土高原。这个古称豳国的关中小县,直到1986年,仍有12%的农户处于贫困之中。1987年,县领导班子决心率领干部,群众走脱贫致富之路。县委书记吴广元,县长张德钧亲自跑遍全县17个乡镇的所有村队、企业,进行调查研究后,确立了“加强农业、发展工业、搞活商业、富民富县”的发展战略。为实施这一战略决策,吴广元同志不畏艰苦,一个心思和全县人民同甘共苦,落实符合永寿县实际的经济发展战略。他提出:“抓基层、干实事、抓重点、出成果”的工作指导方针,并制定了一套详尽完善的全县经济目标管理责任制。县里五套班子的17名主要负责同志,每人分包一个乡镇和一个大村。县委书记吴广元亲自在古屯村抓点“解剖麻雀”,帮助这个全县有名的穷村办起塑料厂,一年便获纯利润17万元。并扩种烤烟1000亩,年产值达32万元。县主要领导亲自 Yongshou County, Shaanxi Province is located in the Northwest Loess Plateau. This ancient name of Guanzhong County, until 1986, there are still 12% of farmers in poverty. In 1987, the county leadership determined to lead the cadres, the masses out of poverty. Party Secretary Wu Guangyuan and Zhang Dejun, the county magistrate, personally visited all the village teams and enterprises in 17 towns and villages throughout the county to conduct investigation and study and set up a development strategy of “strengthening agriculture, developing industries, invigorating commerce and enriching the people and enriching the county”. In order to implement this strategic decision, Comrade Wu Guangyuan braved the hardships, shared the hearts and minds of people throughout the county and implemented the economic development strategy in line with the actual situation of Yongshou County. He proposed: “Grasping the grass-roots level, doing practical work, focusing on the key points, out of the results,” the work guidelines and developed a comprehensive set of comprehensive county economic objectives management responsibility system. The 17 main responsible comrades of the five groups in the county each subcontract a township and a large village. County Party Secretary Wu Guangyuan personally grabbed in the ancient Tuen Village “anatomical sparrow” to help the famous poor village in the county run a plastic factory, a year will be net profit 170,000 yuan. And expansion of 1,000 acres of flue-cured tobacco, the annual output value of 320,000 yuan. County main leaders personally
一、型式 复合式三面58轴。 二、用途 机床用于完成气缸体底面及两侧面的攻丝工序。孔的位置公差为±0.15毫米。 三、生产率 负荷率为100%时,每小时加工21件。 四、自动化程
<正> “实现我国工业第二次战略性转变,就是要依靠科技进步和推行现代化管理,增加品种,提高质量,降低消耗,提高效益和效率,逐步实现产业结构、产品结构和企业组织结构的合理