
来源 :Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:new37143
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The morbility of prostate cancer has risen in China in recent years, it is important to diagnose and treat prostate cancer standardly and systemically. This review analyzed the status and advances of PSA examination, digital rectal exami- nation, prostate biopsy in prostate cancer, and it gave a detailed description of radical prostatectomy, radiotherapy, chemo- therapy, hormonal therapy, etc. The advances of targeted therapy and tumor vaccine is also discussed. The morbility of prostate cancer has risen in China in recent years, it is important to diagnose and treat prostate cancer standardly and systemically. This review analyzed the status and advances of PSA examination, digital rectal exami- nation, prostate biopsy in prostate cancer, and it gave a detailed description of radical prostatectomy, radiotherapy, chemo-therapy, hormonal therapy, etc. The advances of targeted therapy and tumor vaccine is also discussed.
有人说:“草木无情。”但是,仔细观察,植物似乎也是有感情的向日葵特别喜欢太阳,圆圆的脸总是笑眯眯地朝着太阳: 麦子呢?瞧,它就好像一个顽皮的孩子似的,整天笑来笑去,结果把
分析近几年高考试题不难看出,时态是考生害怕也是容易出现错误的考点,本文就考生容易出错的时态考点,谈谈几种基本的解题策略。  首先,我们来看几道近几年湖北卷关于时态的考题。如:  1. Not until two days after the earthquake her mother alive. (find)  直到地震2天后,她才发现她的妈妈还活着。  2. If alcohol last n
一、多项选择  1._________what happens in the outside world,fill your inside world with peace,love,and joy.  A.Instead of B.In addition to  C.Regardless of D.According to  2. Vegetables and meats are________
一、多项选择  1. Marty put the medicine on the top of the fridge to make sure it would not be_________ to the kids.  A. relative B. accessible  C. acceptable D. sensitive  2. Some managers break down_______