
来源 :东方语言学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sanshao
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当代历史语言学是传统历史语言学的继承和发展。在新的学术背景下,一些悬而未决的老问题又受到人们的关注,使原来的认识产生变化或者得以不断深化。特别是近20年来,关于人类群体中的基因出现率与该群体使用的语言系属具有相关性的研究,在分子生物学家、人类学家、考古学家和语言学家中引起热烈的讨论,并已取得一定进展。将语言和基因联系起来的研究方向是正确的,但当前还存在一些困难和不足之处,相信通过坚持不懈的努力,这些问题将逐步得到解决,因为遗传学的发展,结合语言学和考古学的新进展,使现代人类及其语言的进化历程更加清楚;同时,拥有了大规模的语言资源和强大的计算能力,我们已经能够模拟较长时间的语言演化过程。这种跨学科的整合性研究对于弄清全世界各族包括中华民族及其语言的源和流具有重要意义。 Contemporary history of linguistics is the inheritance and development of traditional historical linguistics. Under the new academic background, some outstanding old issues have received the attention of people, so that the original cognition is changed or can be deepened continuously. In particular, the recent 20 years of research on the association between the prevalence of genes in the human population and the language family used by the group have generated heated discussions among molecular biologists, anthropologists, archaeologists and linguists, Some progress has been made. The research directions linking language to genes are correct, but there are still some difficulties and shortcomings. We believe that through unremitting efforts, these problems will be gradually solved because the development of genetics combined with linguistics and archeology , Making the evolution of modern mankind and its language clearer. At the same time, with its large-scale language resources and powerful computing power, we have been able to simulate the language evolution over a longer period of time. Such interdisciplinary and integrated research is of great importance in understanding the origins and flows of all ethnic groups in the world, including the Chinese nation and its language.
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