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张琳是临江市建国小学一名优秀班主任,年仅29岁。她爱岗敬业,热爱学生,勤奋工作,教学教研成果多次获得各级奖励。她深深地爱着每一个孩子,用自己平凡而踏实的工作实践着“爱就是最好的教育”的理念。她是孩子们的知心朋友、大姐姐,更是一位深受学生尊重和爱戴的好老师。张琳的家庭生活是不幸的。八年前,她的母亲患乳腺癌做了切除手术。2007年9月,她的只有5个月大的孩子因患病毒性脑炎导致了中枢神经系统受损,至今住在医院进行治疗。为了给母亲和孩子治病,她的家里早已是负债累累。当自己被确诊为急性淋巴细胞白血病后,面对着家里的特殊情况和80余万元高额的手术及术后费用,她一度做出了放弃治疗的选择。在人生中最风华正茂的年龄,张琳却不得不在病榻上接受命运最残酷的考验,每分每秒都在与病魔进行殊死抗争。如此年轻美丽的生命怎样来承受这沉重而又致命的打击?她的不幸让所有的人禁不住潸然泪下。临江市教育局等各级组织和各界群众奉献爱心救助张琳的义举,让我们体会到了什么是尊师重教、怎样尊师重教。救助一名需要救助的教师,就是救助无数渴望知识的孩子。让我们携起手来,奉献我们的爱心,为共和国的奠基事业和社会主义和谐社会的构建,拿出我们的实际行动吧! Zhang Lin Jiangjiang Elementary School is an excellent teacher, only 29 years old. Her dedication, love of students, hard work, teaching and research results have repeatedly received awards at all levels. She deeply loves every child, with their ordinary and pragmatic work “love is the best education ” concept. She is a close friend of the children, big sister, but also a good teacher by students respect and love. Zhang Lin’s family life is unfortunate. Eight years ago, her mother had breast cancer surgery. In September 2007 her only child, 5 months old, had central nervous system damage due to viral encephalitis and has been hospitalized for treatment so far. Her family was already heavily indebted to cure mothers and children. When he was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia, the face of the special circumstances at home and more than 80 million high surgery and postoperative costs, she once made the choice to give up treatment. In her life, the most prosperous age, Zhang Lin had to accept the fate of the most cruel test on the sickbed, every minute of the death struggle with the disease. How can such a young and beautiful life bear the heavy and fatal blow? Her unhappiness made all the people could not help but shed tears. Linjiang City Bureau of Education and other organizations at all levels and people from all walks of life dedicated love rescue Zhang Lin’s righteous cause, let us understand what is respected teacher, how to respect teachers. To help a teacher who needs help is to save countless children who crave knowledge. Let us join hands and dedicate our love to come up with our practical actions for the founding cause of the Republic and for the building of a harmonious socialist society.