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近年来,由于许多新型药剂,如昆虫生长发育抑制、拒食等缓效型杀虫剂的出现,使田间药效试验的计算和评价趋于复杂,常规的计算方法难于甚至不能正确表示出这类药剂的保护效果;另外,在有些试验报道中,由于药效计算方法选用不当,致使所得结果不能正确反映出供试药剂的真正防效。鉴于此,现将目前常用的药效计算方法做一简要评述,介绍一些新的评价方法和对一些问题提出浅见,仅供有关人员参考。 以作物被害程度作为指标的计算方法 杀虫剂在农业中应用的最终目是保护作物。以作物受害程度做为指标是评价药效的一种直观、实用的方法。其通式为 In recent years, the calculation and evaluation of field efficacy trials have become complicated due to the emergence of many new agents, such as insect growth retardation and antifeedant, such as insecticides, which are difficult or even impossible to be correctly represented by conventional calculation methods In addition, in some reports of experiments, due to improper selection of calculation methods of pharmacodynamics, the obtained results can not correctly reflect the true control effect of the tested drugs. In view of this, now the commonly used method of calculation of efficacy to make a brief review, introduce some new evaluation methods and suggestions on some issues, for reference only. Calculations based on the extent of crop damage The ultimate goal of pesticide application in agriculture is to protect crops. Using the extent of crop damage as an indicator is an intuitive and practical method for evaluating efficacy. Its general formula is
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空心莲子草Alternanthera philoxeroides属苋科,具有繁殖迅速、适应性强等特点。原产南美洲;1897年在美国首次发现;1946年在澳大利亚发现后,短期内即扩展蔓延到新西兰、缅甸
番石榴实蝇,是从泰国产的番石榴上收集的,鉴定后分别再经华南农业大学刘秀琼教授和美国夏威夷大学D.Elmo Hardy教授的复核,证实无误。我国尚未有此虫发生的报道,鉴于其对水果
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东部马脑炎病毒 (EasternEquineEncephalomyelitisvirus ,EEEV)属披膜病毒科甲病毒属 ,是东部马脑脊髓炎的病原体 ,也是披膜病毒科中致病性最强的一种病毒。 1933年美国东部新泽西州和弗吉尼亚沿海地区发生马脑炎流行