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通讯《八女跨海征服荒岛》在一九六○年十月九日福建日报上发表以后,人民日报在十月二十九日转载了,并发表了题为《敢于胜利》的评论。新华社也向全国播发了,大约有二十多个省、市报纸先后采用了这篇通讯和人民日报的评论。以后,大批的文艺工作者赶到福建惠安县莲城半岛,编写戏剧、拍摄电影、绘制组画。这个在三面红旗照耀下出现的当代英雄故事,发表不到两个月,就传遍了全国各地。在福建,八女成了一面鼓舞人们不怕困难、征服困难、敢于斗争、善于斗争的榜样。八女的英雄事迹,对于大办农业、大办粮食的斗争,起了很大的激励和鼓舞作用。八女跨海征服荒岛的报道,能够这样深入人心、发生这样巨大的影响,这是原先我们所没有料到的。当时,我们只觉得八女跨海征服荒岛的英雄业绩十分感人,是一个发愤图强,大办农业的好典型,报道出来对人们很有教育意义。现在看来,这篇通讯不仅是抓住了发愤图强、大办农业这个最重要的主题,而且它的题材新鲜、动人,具有极深刻的教育意义。“八女”在荒岛上那种不怕困难,踏踏实实、不懈不怠、英勇斗争的革命精神,本身就是深刻感人的;况且,这英雄事迹,是一群年轻的妇女干出来的,这就更加突出地反映了我国人民艰苦奋斗建设社会主义的高昂精 After the publication of the “Eight Womens Cross-sea Conquest of Deserted Island” was published on Fujian Daily on October 9, 1960, the People’s Daily reprinted on October 29 and delivered a commentary entitled “Victory to Dare”. Xinhua News Agency also broadcast to the whole country, about 20 provinces and cities newspapers have used this newsletter and People’s Daily commentary. Later, a large number of literary and art workers rushed to Lian’an Peninsula, Hui’an County, Fujian Province, drafting drama, filming and drawing group paintings. This contemporary heroic story, which appeared under the trio of red flags, was spread throughout the country in less than two months after its publication. In Fujian, the eight women became a role model for inspiring people not to be afraid of difficulties, to conquer difficulties, to dare to struggle and to be good at struggle. The heroic deeds of the eight women played a great stimulating and inspiring role in the struggle for majoring in agriculture and holding big food. The report that eight women cross the sea to conquer the desert island can penetrate the hearts of people so deeply and have such a huge impact that we originally did not expect. At that time, we only felt that the heroic achievements of the eight women in conquering the desert islands across the sea were very touching. They are a typical example of an ambitious and large-scale agricultural operation and are reported to be of great educational significance to people. It now appears that this newsletter not only captures the most important theme of making a strong case and making agriculture the most important, but also its theme is fresh and moving with profound educational significance. The revolutionary spirit of “Eight Girls” on a deserted island that is not afraid of difficulty, sense of truth, perseverance, and heroic struggle is itself profoundly touching. Moreover, this heroic deeds is made by a group of young women who have done more It highlights the high quality of the hard-working Chinese people in building socialism
本文介绍了家兔主要组织相容性复合物MHC (RLA)的基本结构、位置、分类、功能,并对家兔MHC基因的表达模式及其与抗病性能之间的关系进行了综述。