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目的探讨构建在体新疆维吾尔族女性及汉族女性骶骨数字化三维模型,并进行解剖学特征研究的可行性及意义。方法选取新疆地区生育活跃期维吾尔族女性90例,汉族女性90例,利用数字化三维重建技术进行骶骨数字化三维重建,再进行形态学研究及生理常数测量。结果 90例汉族女性骶骨形态均为符合解剖学描述的标准型。90例维吾尔族女性中有57例(63.3%)为标准型,有6(例6.7%)为4对骶孔型,有9例(10%)为5对骶孔型,有18例(20%)为骶尾关节异常型。两个民族女性之间骶骨形态类别有显著性差异(P<0.05)。新疆维吾尔族女性骶骨前后孔深距及骶裂孔深度明显大于汉族女性(P<0.05)。非标准型骶骨例数较少,且仅出现在维吾尔族女性中,其中5对骶孔型的骶骨长度最长,4对骶孔非标准类型的骶骨长度最短;骶尾关节异常型的骶骨角度最大,其他几种类型的骶骨角度相似。结论现代新疆地区生育活跃期维族和汉族女性的骶骨形态及解剖学常数方面存在差异,在临床诊疗中要考虑到不同民族间的差异性。 Objective To explore the feasibility and significance of digital three-dimensional model of female sacral sac in Uygur women and Han nationality in Xinjiang and to conduct anatomical study. Methods Ninety female Uyghur women of reproductive stage and 90 female of Han nationality were selected during the active period of childbearing in Xinjiang. The digitized three-dimensional reconstructions of the sacrum were performed by digital three-dimensional reconstruction technique. Morphological studies and physiological constant measurements were performed. Results All the 90 female Han female sacral anatomy were in accordance with anatomical standard. 57 of the 90 Uighur women (63.3%) were standard, 6 (6.7%) had 4 pairs of sacral perforations, 9 (10%) had 5 pairs of sacral perforations, and 18 (20 %) For the sacrococcygeal joint abnormal type. There was a significant difference in sacral morphology between the two ethnic women (P <0.05). The depth of sacral foramina and sacral foramina of Uygur women in Xinjiang were significantly greater than that of Han women (P <0.05). The number of non-standard sacral less, and only appeared in Uygur women, of which 5 pairs of sacral sacral longest length, sac louis vuitton, sac louis vuitton, sac louis vuitton, sac louis vuitton, sac louis vuitton, sac louis vuitton, The largest, several other types of sacral angles are similar. Conclusion There are differences in sacral morphology and anatomic constants of Uygur and Han women in the active fertility period in modern Xinjiang. In the clinical diagnosis and treatment, the differences among different ethnic groups should be considered.
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