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举国关注的黄河洪旱灾害,洪灾与断流并存,是在水少沙多、灌区用水过多、三门峡水库因泥沙淤积被迫低水位运行、下游地上河床不断淤高、防洪严峻的背景下产生的,制约因素众多,单一措施很难根治,南水北调投资过大为期遥遥,远水难解近渴。水土保持是治理黄河的治本措施,若 The flood and drought disasters affecting the Yellow River in the whole country are coexisting with floods and floods. Under the background of too much water and less water, too much water in irrigated areas, the Sanmenxia Reservoir being forced to run at low water level due to sedimentation, the siltation of river beds in the lower reaches, and severe flood control Produced by a large number of constraints, a single measure is difficult to cure, the South-North Water Transfer investment over a long period of time, distant water difficult to quench thirst. Soil and water conservation is the root cause of governance of the Yellow River, if
利用九个蛋白质、脂肪和总量含量高低不同的亲本,采用 S=4的轮回式部分双列杂交设计,对亲本在 F_1—F_3的配合力作了研究。结果表明,三性状在后代的表现主要由基因的加性效应