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通过理论推导,将群波分解为线性项和非线性项,讨论群波非线性项在不同水深条件下的影响情况.试验中取各组成波波高相等,频率间隔0.02Hz,通过模型试验研究群波在斜坡上的爬落变化,并与相应于群波有效波高的规则波的试验成果和经验公式进行对比分析,发现群波和规则波在斜坡上的爬高和爬落幅度的规律大致相同,而落深存在一定差异,即当Iribaren数较小时,规则波没有回落现象.运用谱分析方法研究群波在斜坡上的爬落谱,发现谱型与水深、组成波频率及斜坡坡度有关.试验成果和理论计算表明,群波在斜坡上的爬落变化受非线性项的影响显著. By theoretical derivation, the wavelets are decomposed into linear terms and nonlinear terms, and the influence of nonlinear wave terms on water depth under different water depth conditions is discussed. In the experiment, the wave height of each component is equal and its frequency is 0.02Hz. The creep change of the group wave on the slope is studied by model test, and compared with the experimental results and empirical formulas of the regular wave corresponding to the effective wave height of the group wave. It is found that the regularity of the climbing and climbing amplitude of group wave and regular wave on the slope are almost the same, but there is a certain difference in the falling depth, that is, the regular wave does not drop when Iribaren number is small. Using spectral analysis method to study the clutter spectrum of the group wave on the slope, it is found that the spectral type is related to the water depth, the component wave frequency and the gradient of the slope. The experimental results and theoretical calculations show that the change of group wave climbing on the slope is significantly affected by the nonlinear term.
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