一家美仑美奂的大型购物中 心“VenusFout”,在日本东京的 新观光点热闹开幕。“Venus Fout”有仿意大利喷泉,还有拱型 梁柱以及精雕细刻的建筑,整个 购物环境充满了罗曼蒂克的情 调。并且“VenusFont”还在街道 上方设置了屋顶,避免下雨时让
A big shopping center “VenusFout” was opened at a new sightseeing spot in Tokyo, Japan. “Venus Fout” has imitated Italian fountains, arched beams and carved buildings, and the entire shopping environment is full of romantic atmosphere. And “VenusFont” also has a roof above the street to avoid rain