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九年制义务教育小学语文教学大纲(初审稿),与建国以来的前几个大纲相比,特别重视听话、说话的训练。这是它的一个突出的特色。具体表现为:在第一章“前言”部分就提出,在小学阶段“必须切实打好听说读写的基础”;在第二章“教学目的和要求”部分,明确地把“使学生具有初步的听说读写能力”定为小学语文教学的目的;在第三章“教学内容和教学提示”部分中,与“识字写字”、“阅读”、“作文”相并列,把“听话说话”单独列为一节进行系统地阐述;在第四章“课外活动”部分,特意说明了课外活动“可以加速培养提高听说读写的能力”,而且列举出多种听说活动形式;在第五章“教 The nine-year compulsory education primary school Chinese teaching syllabus (the first review draft), compared with the previous few outlines since the founding of the People’s Republic of China, attached particular importance to listening and speaking training. This is a prominent feature of it. Specifically, in the “Preface” section of the first chapter, it is proposed that in elementary school “the foundation of listening, speaking, reading and writing must be effectively laid down”; The “listening, speaking, reading and writing ability” is defined as the purpose of primary school Chinese teaching; in the third chapter “teaching content and teaching tips”, “listening and writing,” “reading,” and “writing” are in parallel, and “talking to the word” Individually listed as a section to systematically explain; in the fourth chapter of the “extracurricular activities” section, specifically explained that extracurricular activities “can speed up the development of the ability to improve listening, speaking, reading and writing”, and listed a variety of listening and speaking activities; Chapter 5 "Teaching
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十七世纪一位诗人在一首诗里这样描述 the beauty of a face:“There is agarden in her face/Where roses and whitelilies blow.”“她的睑上有座花园,花园里玫瑰和百合盛
2月份CPI的重拾升势并大幅上扬反映的不仅是单纯的春节因素,而在更大程度上预示着未来物价的一种上涨趋势。估计,如无意外,央行最快可能在3月份实施第二次加息。 In Februar
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