
来源 :河北林业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:liujunqiang6455314
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造林绿化是生态建设的基础,林业具有生态、经济、社会等多种效益,是经济社会发展的保障。为充分发挥林业的多种效益,在造林绿化中应牢固树立以下三种理念。一、树立城乡协调绿化一体化的理念造林绿化,要想实现城乡协调绿化一体化的目标,就要将市区、市郊和农村纳入统一的大系统中,一起谋划,共同建设。城乡绿化一体化应坚持“森林进城、森林围城、园林下乡、城乡一体”的发展思路,以城乡结合部和城市郊区为重点。在城市建成区之间绿化上,应以防护林为主,通过城区之间建设大片的森林隔离带,突出“一市三城”的特色;在城市 Afforestation is the basis of ecological construction. Forestry has many benefits such as ecology, economy and society and is the guarantee of economic and social development. In order to give full play to the many benefits of forestry, afforestation should firmly establish the following three concepts. I. Establishing the Concept of Integrated Urban and Rural Harmony and Afforestation Afforestation needs to be planned and jointly constructed in order to achieve the goal of coordinating urban and rural greening and integrating urban and suburban areas and rural areas. Integration of urban and rural greening should adhere to the “forest into the city, the siege of the forest, countryside garden, urban and rural areas ” development train of thought, with urban and rural areas and urban suburbs focus. In the afforestation of the built-up area in the city, shelterbelts should be the mainstay, and the large-scale forest isolation belt should be built between the urban areas to highlight the characteristics of “one city, three cities”; in the city
1 临床资料自 1997年 6月至 1999年 6月共收治 36例晚发性维生素K缺乏症 ,平均日龄 48天 ,均为单纯母乳喂养儿。临床上有长期腹泻史 3例 ,服磺胺史 12例。发热者 2 4例 ,呕吐
论述了一种新型旋流器的开发过程 ,新型旋流器具有双进口、弧锥段体的结构特征 ,公称直径分别为 1 8mm和 2 8mm。通过对新型旋流器进行实验室测试 ,HL2 8型平均分离效率在 90
Three-dimensional ZnO multipods are successfully synthesized on functional substrates using the vapor transport method in a quartz tube. The functional surfaces
【俄罗斯《生意人报》4月9日文章】题:未来的汽车会越来越小 新概念汽车不仅仅指的是未来的汽车,再说新概念汽车也不是总能进行成批生产。新概念汽车的制造者首先是想向人们