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哀牢山生长着许多名贵药用植物,最常见的是何首乌。何首乌自古用作益精、强壮药。哀牢山的何首乌,以个大、质坚实而重、粉性足、质量上乘而驰名。除医药用外,当地还习惯用鲜何首乌炖鸡或炖排骨食用,其功效为补肝肾、敛精气、壮筋骨、养血气、乌须发。何首乌为蓼科植物多年生缠绕草本,块根长圆形,表面红棕色或红褐色,有凹凸不平的纵沟及不规则的皱缩,皮孔横生、横断面淡红棕色,显云锦花纹。化学成分含大黄素、大黄酚、大黄素甲醚、大黄酸、氨基酸、蛋白质、三萜、糖类等。何首乌喜生于石山地区的隙缝中,在腐殖质较多的砂质壤土中也适宜。秋冬季节采挖的块根,质量较好,切片晒干或烘干即成生首乌。在沸水锅中煮到透心或切片蒸透心取出晒干或烘干,即成熟首乌。生首乌治肠燥便秘、痈疽、淋巴结核;熟 Ailaoshan is home to many valuable medicinal plants, the most common of which is Polygonum multiflorum. Heshouwu has been used as Yijing and Qianzhuang medicine since ancient times. The root of Aozhi Mountain in Ailaoshan is famous for its large size, solid quality, heavy weight, high quality and high quality. In addition to medical use, the locals are also accustomed to using fresh fleece-flower root stewed chicken or stewed ribs for consumption. Their efficacy is to make up for liver and kidney, concentrate fine gas, strong bones and muscles, nourishing blood gas, and black beard hair. Polygonum multiflorum is a perennial herb of the family Polygonaceae. Its roots are oblong, with a reddish-brown or reddish-brown surface, uneven longitudinal grooves and irregular shrinkage. The lenticels are plentiful and the cross-section is reddish-brown. The chemical composition contains emodin, chrysophanol, emodin, rhein, amino acids, proteins, triterpenes, and sugars. Polygonum multiflorum is born in the crevices of the Shishan area and is also suitable for sandy loam with more humus. The roots excavated in autumn and winter seasons are of good quality, and the slices are sun dried or dried to be the raw Shouwu. In the boiling water pot boiled through the heart or slice steamed through the heart out of the drying or drying, that is mature Shouwu. Shouwu cure intestinal constipation, spasm, lymph node tuberculosis; cooked
采用反相高效液相色谱法测定了新肿瘤光化学诊治剂(PsD-007)的化学组成,通过与确认品的对照测定,进一步阐明了 PsD-007是由 HP、MHD、AHD、HVD、DMD、MVD 和 Pp 等7种不同卟
多项指标体外试验结果表明,凤庆四种茶叶具有抗血液凝固、促纤维蛋白原溶解及抑制血小板聚集作用。推测上述结果可能构成茶叶的抗动脉粥样硬化作用,需进一步研究。 A number
本文对近年来广西市场上出现的一种海参伪品——一二色桌片参,进行了药材性状、显微特征的描述,为药材品种真伪鉴别提供参考依据。 In this paper, a description of the ch