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中共十六大报告以宽广的世界眼光和战略思维,从世界发展大势和我国现代化建设全局的高度,提出了新世纪头二十年经济建设和改革的主要任务,是未来相当长时期指导我国各项经济工作的基本方针,对加快我国现代化建设,具有重大的现实意义和深远的历史意义。主要任务关键环节十六大报告提出的本世纪头二十年经济建设和改革的主要任务是:完善社会主义市场经济体制,推动经济结构战略性调整,基本实现工业化,大力推进信息化,加快建设现代化,保持国民经济持续快速健康发展,不断提高人民生活水平。这些任务,是从现代化建设全局的高度统筹部署的,各项任务之间具有不可分割的内在联系,是新世纪新阶段全面推进现代化建设的关键环节。 The report of the 16th National Congress of the CPC, with its broad world vision and strategic thinking, proposes the major task of economic construction and reform in the first two decades of the new century from the perspective of the general trend of world development and the overall modernization of our country. It is the guiding task of guiding each of our country The basic principle of economic work in this field is of great practical significance and far-reaching historical significance for accelerating the modernization of our country. Key Tasks Key Tasks The major tasks for the economic construction and reform in the first two decades of this century as set out in the report of the 16th National Congress of the CPC are: to perfect the socialist market economic system, promote the strategic readjustment of the economic structure, basically achieve industrialization, vigorously promote informationization and speed up construction To modernize, maintain a sustained, rapid and healthy development of the national economy and continuously improve people’s living standards. These tasks are to be deployed in an integrated manner at the height of the overall situation of modernization and have an inalienable internal relationship among the various tasks. They are the key links for comprehensively promoting the modernization drive in the new phase of the new century.
邓家泰少将 邓家泰,1914年生于湖北省荆门市麻城乡。1931年2月参加了中国工农红军。1935年加入中国共产党。土地革命战争时期,历任红三军第八师政治宣传员,第二十四团政治处
Noise removal routines (destriping) were performed on Landsat ETM+ data as adjustments for atmospheric and distortion factors, prior to further image enhanceme
袁旭东 ,博士 ,男 ,1 967年 1 2月生 ,四川云阳县人 ,现为广西师范大学数学与计算机科学学院副教授 ,硕士生导师 .袁旭东博士 1 987年在广西师范大学攻读硕士研究生 ,毕业后
毛泽东拥有大笔稿费 ,在 5 0年代 ,稿费就达 10 0万元。毛泽东把稿费全部交到中央特别会计室 ,由他们保管。毛泽东的稿费 ,都派了什么用场 ?稿费的一部分 ,用来买书。毛泽东
可以预见的是,中国创造辉煌的时代已经结束,前方将是一条痛苦而漫长的经济体制改革和向国际市场并轨的道路。 It is foreseeable that the era of brilliant China’s creat