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本刊过去在讨论关于小学语文课本问题过程中,曾于1953年11月号发表吴研因的文章,批评刘御等编辑的试用小学语文课本第一册:生字过多、内容较深、韵文较少、句子和文章都有些太长、不用手写体印刷等等缺点;1954年12月发表刘御的文章,他根本不同意吴的批评;1955年1月号又发表吴研因继续批评的文章。这本是关于小学语文编辑原则的争论,参加争论者也不只吴刘二人。但到1955年春,读者纷纷来信,对吴、刘最后的两篇文章提出意见,认为他们有的地方是无原则的意气之争,并指责本刊不应把争论这样发展下去。同时刘御认为吴研因在本刊1953年11月号发表的“各地区对小学试用课本语文第一册的批评建议”一文,使用各地来信的统计数字完全与事实不符;并写出“难道能这样对待调查材料吗”一文,要求发表。为了弄清楚这一问题,中华人民共和国教育部曾委托李之乾、鲍永瑞、张新民三同志组织一个翻查组,把各地方来信及当时统计情况,加以调查,写出一份报告。但因读者纷纷责难本刊在讨论问题中发展意气之争,我们觉得更不宜在这枝节问题上继续纠缠,因此对这些文章和调查来即发表。现在语文课本的编辑工作经验远比以前丰富,生字多、内容深、句子长等方面已有所改进,语文课本中的问题已有可能进一步加以讨论,以便解决若干编辑原则问题,把语文课本进一步编好。同时,各方面商量应先澄清枝节问题。这期发表李之乾等的调查报告和刘御的“难道能这样对待调查材料吗”一文。我们认为李之乾等的报告是合乎事实的,是公平的。本刊今后将不再继续发表争论枝节问题的文章.至于编辑小学语文课本中一些原则问题,如:小学语文教学的目的任务是什么?小学语文教学分为识字阅读两阶段是否需要?一二年级应学多少生字?学生字是不是要求四会?课文的长短应怎样配合?全书的字数篇幅应该有务少?小学阶段是否需要把汉语文学分开?小学语文课如何适应儿童心理特征、接受能力?小学语文课如何贯彻政治思想教育等问题,各方面都可以展开讨论。在讨论中应联系过去的课本,这对于今后编辑小学语文课本会有很好的帮助,最后特别说明,本刊对这一问题的处理十分拖拉,应向读者检讨. In the past, when discussing the issue of primary school Chinese textbooks, the article published Wu Yan Yin’s article in November 1953 and criticized Liu Yu and other editors for the first edition of the first edition of the Chinese textbook for primary schools: too many words, deep content and verse Less sentences and articles are somewhat longer, without the disadvantages of handwriting printing, etc .; published in December 1954 Liu Yu’s article, he did not agree with Wu’s criticism; January 1955 published another article due to continue to criticize Wu Yan . This is a controversy over the principle of primary school language editors. However, in the spring of 1955, readers wrote letters to express their opinions on the last two articles of Wu and Liu and found that some places were unprincipled and argued that they should not develop the debate in this way. At the same time, Liu Yu believes that because of the article “Criticism and Proposal of Textbooks on Primary School Textbooks for Primary Schools in Various Regions” published in November 1953, the article “Use of letters from all over the country is totally inconsistent with the facts.” Can you treat the material under investigation? “And asked for publication. In order to clarify this issue, the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China has entrusted the three comrades of Li Zhiqian, Bao Yongrui and Zhang Xinmin with the task of organizing a review group to investigate the letters and statistics from the local authorities and conduct a survey to produce a report. However, due to the readers’ censure of the development of the magazine in discussing the issue of emotions, we feel it is even more inappropriate to continue to struggle with the issues of the branches. Therefore, these articles and surveys are published. At present, the editing experience in Chinese textbooks is far more abundant than in the past, with more vocabulary, more content and length of sentences. The problems in Chinese textbooks have been further discussed in order to solve some editorial problems, Make up. In the meantime, all parties should first discuss the issue of branches. This issue of the report of Li Qian and other investigation reports and Liu Yu’s ”can we treat the investigation material?" We think it is fair to say that the report of Li Zhigan and others is fair. The article will no longer continue to publish articles arguing about the issue of stub .As for the editing of primary school Chinese textbooks in some of the principles, such as: the purpose of primary school language teaching is what? Primary Chinese teaching is divided into two stages of literacy is required? How many words should students learn? Student word is not required four? How should the length of the text? The book should be less than the length of the word? Primary phase need to separate the Chinese literature? Primary language lesson how to adapt to the psychological characteristics of children, to accept the ability? How to carry out political and ideological education in primary school can be explored in all aspects. In the discussion should be linked to the textbooks in the past, which for the future editing of primary school Chinese textbooks will be very helpful, the last of the special note, the magazine dealt with this issue is very harsh, should review the reader.
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