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关于读书,有太多的至理名言,甚而给人一种感觉:读书是与生俱来的一种能力。于是,在语文教学中,教师带着这种错觉上课,以为学生个个都会读书。结果可想而知,学生的表现令人堪忧。为了激发学生自主阅读的兴趣,必须教会学生自主阅读的方法,并帮助学生养成良好的阅读习惯,让学生尝到自主阅读的甜头,从而慢慢地提升学生的阅读品质。其实,就是领着学生走一条从“乐读”到“会读”再到“善读”的阅读之路,让学生欣然踏上自主阅读的快乐旅程。 There is too much wisdom about reading, and even gives a feeling that reading is an innate ability. Thus, in the language teaching, teachers with this illusion of class, that all students will study. The results can be imagined, the performance of students is worrying. In order to stimulate students’ interest in independent reading, students must be taught how to read independently and help them develop good reading habits so that students can taste the sweetness of reading independently, thus slowly improving their reading quality. In fact, it is to lead the students to take a reading from “reading ” to “reading ” and then “good reading ” reading, so that students are pleased to embark on the happy journey of independent reading.
校园文化是学校特色的表现,是学校的生命所在,是学校重要的教育资源,是催生教师专业成长和学生健康发展的深厚土壤,是学校人文传统和优良校风的根本之源。 Campus culture i
每当铺开稿纸一张 就如开垦沃田一方 日里夜里 寒来暑往 乐在其间耕耘奔忙 Whenever the drafting of a manuscript is like a land reclamation day and night in the col
初中阶段的数学教学活动过程中的重要一环就是考试。为了使教育活动能够较好地顺应新时代国家素质教育的要求,本文尝试对初中阶段的数学学科考试的方法变革进行探讨。 An im
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