
来源 :汽车电器 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fljk888
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倒车喇叭主要应用在载重汽车或其它车辆上。当车辆倒车时便发出定时的间隔音响信号,使行人警觉,确保倒车安全,目前在进口车辆上,倒车喇叭已普遍使用,国内也在逐步推广采用。倒车喇叭通常由发音器件和控制电路两部分组成,其中发音器件是一个电磁式喇叭,控制电路的作用就是使喇叭发出一定间隔的音响信号。控制部分种类很多,可以利用汽车闪光器的原理进行控制,只不过被控制的不是转向灯,而是间歇的音响信号。 Reversing speakers are mainly used in trucks or other vehicles. When the vehicle reversing time interval will be issued when the sound signal, so that pedestrians alert to ensure reversing safety, at present imported vehicles, reversing horn has been widely used, is also gradually promote the use of the country. The reversing horn usually consists of a sounding device and a control circuit. The sounding device is an electromagnetic horn. The function of the control circuit is to make the horn emit a sound signal with a certain interval. There are many types of controls that can be controlled using the principles of automotive flashers, except that they are controlled not by turn signals but by intermittent sound signals.
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