据《价格信息报》报道:我国决定限制近百种农药产品的生产发展。这些农药产品或者因药效差、毒性大,或者因厂点多,或生产能力过剩,且生产工艺又无重大改进,故国家将不予办理核准有关农药登记手续。这些农药产品名单如下: 1.杀虫剂 敌百虫、乐果、氧乐果、甲胺磷(多来磷)、久效磷(纽瓦克)、水胺硫磷、甲基异柳磷、辛硫磷、甲拌磷(3911、西梅脱)、甲基对硫磷(甲基 1605)、
According to the “Price Information Report”: China has decided to limit the production of nearly 100 kinds of pesticide products. These pesticide products either have poor efficacy or toxicity, or have more plant sites, or excess production capacity, and there are no significant improvements in the production process. Therefore, the state will not go through approval procedures for the registration of pesticides. The list of pesticides is as follows: 1. Insecticides Trichlorfon, Dimethoate, Omethoate, Methamidophos (Phosphorus), Monocrotophos (Newark), Isocarbophos, Methylisotriphos , phoxim, phorate (3911, methadone), methyl parathion (methyl 1605),