列宁有一句名言:“退一步,进两步”。意思是指在政治斗争中,如果主客观条件不具备,就不宜冒进,宁可暂时后退以保存力量,创造条件,然后再向目标迅猛进军。这句名言,在新闻领域内,也可以用来指导突击性采访实践。最近,我采写的《他对家乡一往情深》一稿,便是一例。 3月21日,我提前半小时来到无锡县政协九届二次会议会场。事先我得悉有一位港商要在会上捐款100万元的消息。对此,我当然要抓住线索不放。然而
Lenin has a famous saying: “Take a step back and take two steps.” It means that in the political struggle, if the subjective and objective conditions are not available, it is inappropriate for them to make inroads. Instead, they should retreat temporarily to save their power and create conditions before moving rapidly toward the goal. This famous saying, in the field of journalism, can also be used to guide the practice of raid interview. Recently, I wrote a manuscript entitled “He is passionate about his hometown,” an example. On March 21, I came to the venue of the second meeting of the Ninth CPPCC Wuxi Committee in half an hour. Prior to that, I learned that a Hong Kong businessman must donate $ 1 million at the meeting. In this regard, of course, I have to grasp the clues. however