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怒江军分区某部三连驻守在云南省贡山县,担负着中缅边界北段170多公里的边境防卫与管控、藏区维稳、滇藏通道保通等任务,连队地处滇藏交界咽喉之地,防区既临边又涉藏,是位置偏远、环境艰苦、任务繁重的边防连队。自2003年组建以来,广大官兵在连队党支部的坚强领导下,克服各种艰难困苦,忠诚履行使命任务,有力捍卫了边防安宁和社会稳定,先后5次被省军区表彰为基层建设标兵单位,2次被省军 One of the three divisions of the Nujiang Army sub-station stationed in Gongshan County, Yunnan Province, undertaking the tasks of border defense and control more than 170 kilometers north of the Sino-Burmese border and stability maintenance in Tibet and the protection of the Yunnan-Tibet Passageway. The company is located in the throat of Yunnan-Tibet junction The border zone is both a border zone and a Tibet border zone. It is a border company with remote locations, difficult environments and heavy tasks. Since their establishment in 2003, under the strong leadership of the Party branch of the company, many officers and men have overcome all difficulties and hardships, faithfully performed their missions, effectively defended border security and social stability, and successively commended five provincial military regions as model units for grassroots construction. 2 times the provincial army
洛阳地区某铝板带厂2200重卷机基础设计复杂,截面、标高变化多,套管不易固定,施工难度大,现举例说明施工方案的设计要点。 The design of the 2200 rewinding machine base
处于这个世界的人总是解释者,又是被解释者。因为这个世界有无穷的精彩,有无穷的奥秘,有 People in this world are always interpreters and interpreters. Because this w
本文根据建筑的渗漏的特点,从几个控制点论述了施工中的质量控制. This article discusses the quality control in construction from several control points according t
本书就在塑钢门窗的制作安装中存在的问题进行了探讨。 This book discusses the problems in the production and installation of plastic steel doors and windows.