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资料图片:两岸经济交流合作20年来,在两岸同胞的共同努力下,两岸经济交流与合作取得了令人瞩目的成就。台商到大陆投资和两岸贸易已达到相当大的规模,两岸经贸交流日益热络。为鼓励和保护台商投资,祖国大陆制定了一系列法律法规和政策措施,为两岸经济合作搭建平台。截至2007年9月底,两岸间接贸易总额累计达6933亿美元,其中大陆对台出口1196亿美元一宣遭.对大陆出口5737亿美元,台湾对大陆贸易顺差累计达4541亿美元。从1989年到2006年的17年间,台商投资大陆累计金额增加了140多倍,大陆已成为台湾对外投资的最大目的地。图为由台湾工商企业的董事长和总级理为主组成的台湾大陆贸易投资商务考察团到天津经济开发区考察(1990。年6月30日摄) Information Photo: Cross-Strait Economic Exchanges and Cooperation For 20 years, thanks to the joint efforts of compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, remarkable achievements have been made in economic exchanges and cooperation across the Taiwan Strait. Taiwan businessmen have invested in the mainland and trade across the Taiwan Strait has reached a considerable scale. Cross-Strait economic and trade exchanges have become increasingly hot. To encourage and protect investment by Taiwanese businessmen, the mainland of the motherland has formulated a series of laws, regulations, policies and measures to build a platform for cross-Strait economic cooperation. As of the end of September 2007, the total amount of indirect trade between the two sides of the Taiwan Strait reached a total of 693.3 billion U.S. dollars, of which 119.6 billion U.S. dollars were exported to Taiwan, 573.7 billion U.S. dollars were exported to the Mainland, and 454.1 billion U.S. dollars were surpluses to Taiwan. During the 17 years from 1989 to 2006, the cumulative amount of Taiwan investment in the mainland increased by more than 140 times and the mainland has become the largest destination for Taiwan's foreign investment. The photo shows a delegation from Taiwan's mainland China for trade and investment business headed by the chairman and general manager of Taiwan's industrial and commercial enterprises to Tianjin Economic Development Zone (photo taken June 30, 1990)
西方国家 ,与年龄相关的斑点退化 (AMD)是 6 0岁以上人群致盲的常见原因 ,且白内障是世界上引起视力损害的原因。由于绝经后妇女生命正在延长 ,她们有更多的可能性发生与年龄相
与会人员在成立协会势在必行这一点上达成共识,并纷纷发表观点,献计献策,在协会成立的步骤、协会成立后的职能和责任、运作模式等方面做了深刻的探讨。 Participants in the
回去的路上,天上下起小雨,那家店还在,而你去了哪里?如果人生是个圆,为什么你还没有转回我面前。 Back on the road, the sky began to light rain, the shop is still, and