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12月中旬,动力系四项科研成果先后通过湖北省科委主持的正式鉴定,这四项成果分别由钱壬章教授、叶树椿教授、陈迪训副教授和朱策民副教授主持研究完成.这四项成果都是由省科委资助的自然科学基金项目,分别是:“新型蒸汽煤气流化床气化过程研究”、“现有动力用空气压缩机节能改造、提高性能的机理研究”、“高浓度煤粉燃烧器和燃烧机理研究”、“谷壳流化床流化特性研究”.参加鉴定会的专家、教授们在听取了有关研究工作总结和参观实验研究装置之后,进行了充分的讨论,对上述成果给予了高度评价.“新型蒸汽煤气流化床气化过程研究”注重对关键技术问题——颗粒循环量进行了多种影响因素的冷态实验研究,所建立的理论模型与实验数据相符合.所研制的气化炉型是对国际上Co-gas炉型的改造和发展,国内尚未见有类似研究的报道,该项研究被鉴定为“居国内领先水平”.这种新型炉结构新颖、紧凑,可利用粉煤和劣质煤.由这种炉产生的中热值煤气可作为城市煤气使用,也可应用于工业燃烧装置以及燃气轮机等动力装置,还可作为氮肥工业的原料气,为我国煤气工业开辟了新的发展途径,具有良好民用和工业应用前景. In mid-December, four scientific research achievements of the Department of Dynamics passed the formal appraisal conducted by Hubei Science and Technology Commission, and the four achievements were completed by Professor Qian Renzhang, Professor Ye Shuchun, Associate Professor Chen Diun and Professor Zhu Cemin, all of which are Natural Science Foundation funded by the Provincial Science and Technology Commission are: “Research on the New Gasification Process of Steam Gas Fluidized Bed”, “Research on Energy Saving Reform of Existing Air Compressor for Improving Performance”, “High Concentration Pulverized Coal Burner and Combustion Mechanism ”and“ Study on Fluidization Characteristics of Chalcular Fluidized Beds. ”Experts and professors participating in the conference conducted a thorough discussion after hearing about the research work and visiting experimental devices. The results of the highly praised. “New steam gasification fluidized bed gasification process” focus on the key technical issues - particle circulation amount of a variety of factors in the cold state experimental study, the established theoretical model consistent with the experimental data The developed gasifier type is the reform and development of the international Co-gas type furnaces, and no similar studies have been reported in China. The study Identified as “Habitat leading domestic.” The new furnace structure is novel and compact, the use of pulverized coal and poor quality coal produced by this furnace, the heat value of gas can be used as city gas can also be used in industrial combustion devices and Gas turbines and other power plants, but also as raw material gas nitrogen fertilizer industry for China’s gas industry has opened up a new way of development, with good prospects for civilian and industrial applications.
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乡下以村为单位,一个村又叫做一个大队,带上名称便叫某某村,像花园村、潘店村。一个村又分成许多个小队,也可以带上名称,如花园二小队、潘店三小队。 In the countryside, v