Mechanical properties and deformation features of AZ31-0.84%Sb alloy

来源 :材料与冶金学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:alabo353
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The mechanical properties and deformation features of AZ31-0.84% Sb alloy have been studied by means of the measurement of the properties and morphology observation. Results show that UTS of AZ31-0.84% Sb alloy at room temperature is 297MPa, a higher value of UTS is still maintained up to 189MPa as temperature elevated to 200℃. One of the main reasons for enhancing UTS of the alloy is attributed to the high volume fraction of the precipitates dispersed in the matrix, including Mg_3Sb_2 phase, which effectively hindered the movement of dislocations during the elevated temperature deformation. The deformation mechanisms of AZ31-0.84% Sb alloy are the twins and dislocations activated on basal and non-basal planes. a+c dislocations may be activated on the basal and non-basal planes in twins regions, and some of the thinner twins may shear through the dense dislocations within the thicker twins. The mechanical properties and deformation features of AZ31-0.84% ​​Sb alloy have been studied by means of the measurement of the properties and morphology observation. Results show that UTS of AZ31-0.84% ​​Sb alloy at room temperature is 297MPa, a higher value of UTS of the alloy is attributed to the high volume fraction of the precipitates dispersed in the matrix, including Mg_3Sb_2 phase, which is effectively hindered the movement of dislocations during the elevated temperature deformation. The deformation mechanisms of AZ31-0.84% ​​Sb alloy are the twins and dislocations activated on basal and non-basal planes. a + c dislocations may be activated on the basal and non-basal planes in twins regions, and some of the thinner twins may shear through the dense dislocations within the thicker twins.
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