
来源 :干旱区资源与环境 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:stevenyhiker
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依据组织热平衡原理,运用热扩散探针法,于2015年3月1日-2016年3月1日对冀北山地小五台山自然保护区白桦的树干液流速率进行连续监测,并同步观测气温、相对湿度、净辐射、总辐射、风速等环境因子的变化,研究其树干液流特征及其与环境因子的关系。结果表明:1)小五台地区白桦树干液流启动于4月下旬,结束于10月上旬,前后历时160多天。晴天条件下,不同月份树干液流速率日变化均呈典型的单峰曲线。2)生长季各月白桦树干液流速率日均值变化表现为单峰型,以7、8月最高,分别达到0.074和0.083kg·h~(-1)·cm~(-1);5、6、9月次之,达到0.06kg·h~(-1)·cm~(-1)以上。3)白桦5-9月单株日耗水量在65.04-86.69kg·tree-1·d-1之间;生长季单株总耗水量11452.07kg·tree-1,其中以7、8月耗水量最大,分别为2374.32和2687.24kg·tree-1。4)白桦树干液流速率与空气温度、净辐射、总辐射、水汽压亏缺呈极显著正相关,与空气湿度呈显著负相关,与风速相关关系不显著。辐射和气温是影响白桦树干液流速率的主要因子。 Based on the principle of tissue heat balance, the thermal diffusivity probe method was used to monitor the sap flow rate of the birch in the Mount Wutaishan Nature Reserve of Hebei Province from March 1, 2015 to March 1, 2016. The temperature, Relative humidity, net radiation, total radiation, wind speed and other environmental factors to study the characteristics of its trunk flow and its relationship with environmental factors. The results showed that: 1) The flow of birch sap flow in Xiaowutai area started in late April and ended in early October with a duration of more than 160 days. In sunny days, the diurnal changes of sap flow rate in different months showed a typical single peak curve. 2) The daily average of flow rate of birch sap flow in each growing season showed a unimodal pattern, reaching the highest in July and August, reaching 0.074 and 0.083 kg · h -1 cm -1, respectively. 6 and 9 months, reaching 0.06kg · h ~ (-1) · cm ~ (-1) or more. 3) The daily water consumption of Betula platyphylla from May to September was between 65.04-86.69kg · tree-1 · d-1; the total water consumption of single plant in growing season was 11452.07kg · tree-1, of which the water consumption in July and August The maximum, respectively, 2374.32 and 2687.24kg · tree-1.4). The birch sap flow rate was significantly and positively correlated with air temperature, net radiation, total radiation, water vapor pressure deficit, and negatively correlated with air humidity, The correlation is not significant. Radiation and air temperature are the main factors affecting the rate of birch sap flow.
右边两款烩饭制作方法相同,制作程序如下: 先将大米、肉末、鸡丝或鱼肉、木耳和水一起放进锅里用小火煲熟,然后将青菜、萝卜粒、猪肝、油、盐放进去,一起搅拌,继续煲两分钟
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