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哈代 ,一位兼现实主义者与诗人双重身份的作家 ,一位热爱田园生活的建筑师。由于不能忍受资本主义过渡时期社会生活发生的巨大变化 ,他带着淡淡的悲观情绪完成了小说《远离尘嚣》。书中的奥克是一位新型的牧羊人 ,他身上具有一个普通劳动者所有的优点和他们没有的特殊品质。哈代坚信只有像奥克这样的农民才能将乡村生活从死亡的边缘拯救回来。特洛伊是一个与其相对照的人物。他们的性格对比也正是田园生活的纯静恬美与城市生活的喧嚣腐化的对比。对比在揭发主题上起到了强有力的作用 ,它为人们描绘了一幅生动的腐朽堕落的城市生活的图画与一幅宁静悠远的农村生活的画面 Hardy, a writer who combines both realism and poet identity, is an architect who loves pastoral life. He could not bear the tremendous changes that took place in the social life during the transition period of capitalism. With a touch of pessimism, he finished the novel “Stay away from the Madding Crowd”. Oakes in the book is a new type of shepherd, who possesses all the advantages of an ordinary worker and the special qualities they do not have. Hardy firmly believes that only peasants like Oak can save rural life from the brink of death. Troy is a contrast with the figure. Their character comparison is also the contrast between the pure and peaceful beauty of pastoral life and the noisy corruption of urban life. Contrast has played a powerful role in exposing the theme, it depicts a picture of a vivid, decadent urban life and a quiet picture of rural life
By using Fab’-enzyme labelled immuno absorbent assay (ELISA) with sensitivity of picogram (10-12 g or pg) level, the M-type pyruvate kinase (M-PyK) in plasma
山姆·谢泼德是美国六十年代“外外百老汇”小剧场运动中脱颖而出的杰出剧作家。本文试图通过对其剧作《被埋葬的孩子》之主题与人物的分析 ,揭示美国社会病态家庭中人的异化
爱米莉·迪金森与自然和谐相处 ,对她来讲 ,死并非简单的生命的终结 ,而是生命最后的升华 ,对她而言生死都具有高度的审美价值 Emily Dickinson and nature live in harmony
It is an Innovative way to diagnose with cancer with monoclonal antibody (MAb) in vivo. 1-3 After proving MAb 2F7 (IgG2a) had a higher affinity and better spec