“叮铃铃,叮铃铃……”急促的上课铃响了。我伴着铃声,兴步向高三(1)班教室走去,耳边回荡着校长的话: “李老师,由于陈老师昨天赴县教育局出席先进教师表彰会去了,高三(1)班纪律好,成绩也很好,再说……学生也不会欺侮新老师。这两天,你就代他上几节数学课。”快要到教室门口时,我的心情恰似刚入学的孩子一样,感到兴奋、激动。尽管秋高气爽。我还是把领间的钮扣系得整整齐齐。显得严肃、庄
“Jingle bell, jingle bell ...” The rapid classroom bell rang. I accompanied my ringtone and walked to the classroom of the third year (1). I went to the classroom and echoed the headmaster's words: “Teacher Li, because Chen went to the County Board of Education to attend the Advanced Teachers' Commendation yesterday, Senior Middle School (1) discipline Well, the grades are good too, and say ... the students will not bully the new teacher, and on these two days you'll take him to math classes for a few days. ”As soon as I came to the door of the classroom, I felt as if I was a newly enrolled child Excited, excited. Despite the autumn. I still tied the buttons neatly neatly. Serious, Zhuang