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“开国大典时,我是4名国旗护旗手之一。”忆起60年前的往事,家住石家庄市工农路省建设银行宿舍的李元甫老先生心潮澎湃。当天清晨才接到任务1949年10月1日早上7时许。北京东四南大街史家胡同8号,北平市纠察总队一大队就驻在那里。 “When the founding ceremony was held, I was one of the four flag-bearers.” "Old Li Yuanfu, who lives in the dormitory of Workers’ and Peasants Road Construction Bank in Shijiazhuang City, remembers the past 60 years ago. The day before dawn received the task October 1, 1949 at 7 am. Beijing East Fourth Avenue Sijia alley on the 8th, Peking City picket corps a brigade to be there.