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中亚热带蔗区高产栽培技术王贵华(四川省制糖糖料工业研究所,资中641200)中亚热带蔗区的高产栽培技术,产量可获近180吨/公顷。其主要技术如下:1选用肥沃壤土,深耕整地选择水源充足、四周无蔽荫、土层深厚、结构良好、保水供肥力强的长方形或近似长方形(... High yielding cultivation techniques in the middle subtropical sugar cane area Wang Guihua (Institute of Sugar and Sugar Industry, Sichuan Province, Zizhi 641200) High yield cultivation techniques in the middle subtropical sugarcane fields yield nearly 180 tons / ha. Its main technologies are as follows: 1 Use of fertile loam, plowing plowing to select a sufficient source of water, surrounded by no shade, deep soil, good structure, water and fertility of the strong rectangular or approximately rectangular (...
The structural and magnetic properties of Fe80P9B11 amorphous alloy are investigated through ab initio molecular dynamic simulation.The structure evolution of F
A plasmonic waveguide coupled system that is composed of a square ring cavity and a metal-insulator-metal (MIM) waveguide with two silver baffles is proposed.Th
The first-principles methods have been employed to calculate the structural,electronic,and mechanical properties of the α,β,and y phases of uranium under pres
他叫周全,出生于一个贫困的农村家庭,今年13岁。小小年纪的他,用自信和乐观谱写着自己虽不炫目却实实在在的少年时代。  家庭贫困但乐观  周全的家在高安市的一个偏僻小山村,家里的生活条件比较差,全家人住在潮湿的旧瓦房里。爷爷奶奶早已不在人世,妈妈患有腰椎间盘突出,爸爸患有眩晕症,家里主要的经济收入仅靠几亩田地。周全打小就是一个懂事的孩子,上小学时,天没亮就起床,先叠好被子,然后扫地抹灰,再吃饭上学。
本文以我国不同地区的12个黄瓜(Cucumis sativus L.)品种为试材,采用模糊隶属法,研究了根际低氧胁迫下不同黄瓜品种的耐性差异,并从中选择耐性差异较大的两个品种为试材,研究