中国大陆最大起大落的第一富豪 “科技先锋\\"丁磊

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丁磊是坐着“过山车”登上中国大陆首富宝座的。第一名网易的表现更是令人瞠目结舌,2001年9月,网易停牌前后的最低价还在0.53美元每股,而到2003年10月 15日已经达到70美元每股左右,涨幅达到132倍,市盈率近千倍。当年一美元不到的垃圾股摇身而成“天空中最亮的那颗星”。丁磊拥有个人财富为10.76亿美元。 1995年,丁磊从电信局辞职,遭到了家人的强烈反对,但他去意已定,一心想出去闯一闯。他选择了广州。后来,有朋友问他为什么去广州?他讲了一个笑话:广州人和上海人,其实就是南方人和北方人的比较,如果广州人和上海人的口袋里各有 100块钱,然后去做生意,那上海人会用50块钱做家用,另外50块钱去开公司;而广东人会再向同学借100块钱去开公司。在Sybase广州分公司工作了一年后,丁磊又一次萌发了离开那里和别人一起创 Ding Lei is sitting “roller coaster” boarded the throne of mainland China's richest man. The performance of the first Netease is even more staggering, in September 2001, Netease before and after the suspension is still the lowest 0.53 US dollars per share, and by October 15, 2003 has reached 70 US dollars per share, or up 132 times, P / E nearly a thousand times. In those days less than one dollar junk turned “the brightest star in the sky.” Ding Lei has a personal wealth of 1.076 billion U.S. dollars. In 1995, Ding Lei resigned from the bureau, was strongly opposed by his family, but he deliberately intended, bent on going out. He chose Guangzhou. Later, a friend asked him why he went to Guangzhou? He told a joke: Guangzhou and Shanghai, in fact, is a comparison between Southerners and Northerners, if the Guangzhou and Shanghai people have 100 dollars in their pockets and then do Business, that Shanghai people will be 50 dollars for home use, another 50 dollars to open the company; and Cantonese will borrow 100 dollars from the students to open the company. A year after working in Sybase Guangzhou Branch, Ding Lei once again germinated left there and others together
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