How Can We Make Disaster Management Evaluations More Useful?An Empirical Study of Dutch Exercise Eva

来源 :国际灾害风险科学学报(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivantesr
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The evaluation of simulated disasters (for example,exercises) and real responses are important activities.However,little attention has been paid to how reports documenting such events should be written.A key issue is how to make them as useful as possible to pro-fessionals working in disaster risk management.Here,we focus on three aspects of a written evaluation:how the object of the evaluation is described,how the analysis is described,and how the conclusions are described.This empirical experiment,based on real evaluation documents,asked 84 Dutch mayors and crisis management profes-sionals to evaluate the perceived usefulness of the three aspects noted above.The results showed that how evalua-tions are written does matter.Specifically,the usefulness of an evaluation intended for learning purposes is improved when its analysis and conclusions are clearer.In contrast,evaluations used for accountability purposes are only improved by the clarity of the conclusion.These findings have implications for the way disaster management eval-uations should be documented.
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