中华人民共和国高等教育部 中华人民共和国教育部为颁发关于改进全国高等学校、中等专业学校及工农速成中学的调干学生人民助学金的使用办法的通知

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自一九五二年起在全国高等学校、中等专业学校及工农速战中学实行调干学生人民助学金制以来,基本上解决了在职干部入学俊的学习、生活等物质困难,对鼓励在职干部入学,并从而改变高等及中等学校学生成份起了很大的作用。但另一方面,原订办法也还存在着不少缺点:首先是对一些参加革命工作多年的有家庭负担的工农老干部的照顾不够,没有适当地帮助他们解决生活上的困难,因此或多或少地影响了他们的学习情绪;其次,是缺乏一个明确的、具体的使用办法,大多数学校是将调干学生人民助学金平均发给,没有结合干部的质量、困难的多少而分别对待,以致形成「苦乐不均」的现象。为改进此项工作,现以不突破现行全国平均每人每月三十二万元总的预算标准为基础,按调斡学生的原来职务与工资级别分为五等调干学生人民助学金,发给学生个人作为调干学生在学习期间解决本人学习、生活上的需要之用。除上述发给个人部分外,再按每人每月五万元编列预算,由学校统一掌握,适当地协助调干学生解决按高等教育部(54)计刘字第一五九号规定应由学校负责解决的子女教养费及家属生活困难补助费等。 Since 1952, after implementing the system to adjust students’ graduating students in national institutions of higher learning, secondary specialized schools, and worker-peasant speed-and-war schools, they basically solved the material difficulties of the cadres entering school, such as their study and life, and encouraged enrollment of serving cadres. , And thus changing the composition of students in higher and secondary schools has played a large role. However, on the other hand, there are still a number of shortcomings in the original plan: First of all, it is not enough for some workers, peasants and veterans who have participated in the revolutionary work for many years to take care of the family, and they have not properly helped them to solve their difficulties in life. Less impacted their learning mood; second, there was a lack of a clear and specific approach to use. Most schools had evenly distributed the students’ student stipends to students. They did not combine with the quality and difficulty of the cadres in order to treat them separately. The phenomenon of “unhappiness” is formed. In order to improve this work, it is based on the current national average budget of RMB 320,000 per person, based on the current national average, and divides the students’ original positions and salary levels into five grades. Individuals are given to students as a way of adjusting students’ needs for learning and living during their studies. In addition to the above-mentioned individual parts, the budget is set at RMB 50,000 per person per month. The school shall have a unified understanding and appropriately assist the students in solving the problems. According to the Ministry of Higher Education (54), the number 159 of Liu Zi’s stipulations shall be met. The school is responsible for the settlement of the child’s maintenance costs and the family’s hard life subsidy.
一、考前准备1.物质准备上。( 1)不规范行为:饮食睡眠不规律;必需文具不齐备;所需证件有遗漏;考点位置不明确。( 2 )矫正方法:按部就班,注意把自己的兴奋点加以调整,与考试时
一  结伴河边柳,轻烟沐浴容。  几只花雨伞,弹奏一春声。  二  红杏白衣女,春寒不语云。  雨中香自重,舞动水涡盈。  三  花黄金串串,细细语春风。  又似金腰带,春来衣袂轻。  四  一夜殷殷雨,晨来浅草茵。  孩童轻举步,意恐伤春心。  五  轻轨穿桥过,急急不待春。  红白黄绿处,尚有咏春人。  (作者单位:省人大常委会办公厅)
第一节磁场对电流的作用力教学目的1复习左手定则,掌握F_安方向的规律。2实验探索法研究F_安大小的规律。3初步培养学生用科学方法探索物理规律的能力。 The first quarter
本刊讯 我省加强农村教育 农村初中不低于15元。对财政特工作又有新举措。日前,省财政厅、 别困难、新增安排公用经费较高的教育厅经省政府