落实配套改革措施 确保实施岗位技能工资制

来源 :通信企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wsgray
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邮电企业实行岗位技能工资制,除应具备必要的企业外部条件外,还必须有与之相适应的企业内部条件。如果企业内部条件与岗位技能工资制的设计思想不配套,则岗位技能工资制就难以正常运行和发挥应有的作用。一、邮电岗位技能工资制的设计思想企业工资分配制度的改革,总是针对工资分配制度存在的问题展开的。邮电企业工资分配存在的主要问题是:企业职工的工资结构和企业各类人员的工资 Posts and telecommunications companies to implement post-skills wage system, in addition to the necessary external conditions of the enterprise, but also must have to adapt to the internal conditions of the enterprise. If the internal conditions and the design skills of the post-skills wage system are not matched, the post-skill wage system will be difficult to operate normally and play its due role. First, the design of post and telecommunications job skills salary system The reform of the enterprise wage distribution system, is always directed at the problems of the wage distribution system. The main problems in the distribution of postal and telecom enterprises’ wages are: the salary structure of employees in enterprises and the salaries of various types of employees in enterprises.
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关键词 质量守恒 原子守恒 电子守恒 电荷守恒    1.化学反应中的质量守恒    在化学反应过程中找准反应前后的质量关系,通过对质量为变的原因进行分析,可快速求解    注:“本文中所涉及到的图表、注解、公式等内容请以PDF格式阅读原文”
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