Three-dimensional photoelasticity analysis of Nitinol Patellar Concentrator for treating patellar fr

来源 :Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouwenwumo
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Objective: To analyze the biomechanical elements of Nitinol Patellar Concentrator (NT-PC) in heating commi nuted patellar fractures. Methods: The epoxy resin three dimensional photoelasticity pobal model was loaded with Nitinol Patellar Connector and frozen. After dividing layer, photographing and tracing, iterative method was used to calculate the stress value of every tuteed node. Rasults: Stress values of 1 262 nodes scattered in 12 layers were obtained The stress distribution indicated that an overall stress field was yield when the NT-PC fixated the patellar model, and there existed fixative stress in the facies articularis and distal pole of the patellar model. Conclusion: The NT-PC has evident therapeutic effect for the comminuted patellar fractures. The existing stress is helpful in maintaining anatomical reduction and enhancing fracture healing. Objective: To analyze the biomechanical elements of Nitinol Patellar Concentrator (NT-PC) in heating commi nuted patellar fractures. Methods: The epoxy resin three dimensional photoelasticity pobal model was loaded with Nitinol Patellar Connector and frozen. After dividing layer, photographing and tracing, iterative method was used to calculate the stress value of every tuteed node. Rasults: Stress values ​​of 1 262 nodes scattered in 12 layers were obtained The stress distribution was that an overall stress field was yield when the NT-PC fixated the patellar model, and there existed fixative stress in the facies articularis and distal pole of the patellar model. Conclusion: The NT-PC has evident therapeutic effect for the comminuted patellar fractures. The existing stress is helpful in maintaining anatomic reduction and enhancing fracture healing.
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