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  After Mr and Mrs Black spent a happy morning at the park with Mike, their five-year-old grandson, they stopped at a restaurant and then went into it for lunch. When the waiter___1___them some menus, Mr Black reached ___ 2___ his pocket for his ___3___. He was disappointed (失望的) ___4___ find that they were lost. “I know where your glasses are, Grandpa,” said the grandson.
  “Where?”asked Mr Black ___5 ___.
  “They are ___6___the park.”Mike answered.“When you took me off the train near the elephants, they ___7___ of your pocket.”
  Mr Black was a little angry (生气的)and he asked, “Mike, if you___ 8 ___my glasses fall out of my shirt, why___ 9___you tell me?”
  “Well, Grandpa,” said Mike, “After you ___10___your foot on them, I didn’t think you wanted them any more.”
  1. A. passed B. took C. gave D. bought
  2. A. on B. at C. into D. in
  3. A. ticket B. glasses
  C. money D. photo
  4. A. to B. in
  C. at D. on
  5. A. badly B. loudly
  C. happily D. sadly
  6. A. in B. for
  C. on D. at
  7. A. took out B. fell out
  C. fell down D. put out
  8. A. looked B. made
  C. saw D. took
  9. A. aren’t B. weren’t
  C. don’t D. didn’t
  10. A. put B. sit
  C. leave D. let
  Dear Linda,
  Thanks for your e-mail. I had a busy weekend.
  On___1 ___morning, I got up late. At eleven o’clock, I went shopping at a ___ 2___ . Then I went ___3___ at the local swimming pool. After that, I cooked lunch and then___4 ___ the house. In the evening, I went out ___5 ___ a restaurant with my friends. We ___6 ___a nice dinner and talked a lot.
  On Sunday morning, I ___7___ got up late. After breakfast, I went swimming again for some___ 8 ___exercise. In the afternoon, I___9___my grandparents. In the evening, I had dinner and watched TV. Then I___10___ a book in bed.
  How was your last weekend?
  1. A. Thursday B. Friday
  C. Saturday D. Monday
  2. A. hospital B. supermarket
  C. library D. restaurant
  3. A. shopping B. fishing
  C. dancing D. swimming
  4. A. looked B. cleaned
  C. paid D. studied
  5. A. to B. at
  C. for D. in
  6. A. cooked B. called
  C. needed D. had
  7. A. only B. really
  C. also D. just
  8. A. most B. little   C. great D. more
  9. A. wanted B. visited
  C. asked D. showed
  10. A. did B. had
  C. read D. got
  Today is Linda’s birthday. After school her friends, Alice, Henry and Tony go to buy some ___1 ___for her. Alice knows that Linda’s pencil-box is very___2___, so she wants to buy a new one for her. There is a new kind of red pencil-box at the store ___3 ___their school. It’s very nice and red is Linda’s favorite color. Alice buys one. Henry knows Linda often ___4___basketball. That’s her favorite___ 5 ___ ,so he buys a basketball for her. Tony often has lunch___6___ Linda at school and knows Linda’s favorite food is chicken,___7 ___ he buys lots of chicken for her.
  The birthday party ___ 8 ___at 6:00 p. m. at Linda’s home. Alice, Henry and Tony all come here and___ 9___ their presents to Linda. Linda is very happy to ___10___the nice presents. Then Linda’s mother takes a big birthday cake to them. They’re all very happy to have the birthday cake.
  1. A. food B. clothes
  C. presents D. flowers
  2. A. old B. new
  C. funny D. interesting
  3. A. far from B. in the center of
  C. close to D. in the front of
  4. A. finds B. performs
  C. plays D. moves
  5. A. sport B. life
  C. program D. interest
  6. A. from B. with C. before D. for
  7. A. so B. but C. and D. or
  8. A. has B. plays C. stays D. starts
  9. A. take B. bring C. buy D. make
  10. A. use B. pass C. get D. clean
  1. A 这里说waiter(侍者)递给他们menus(菜单)。而只有pass有“递给、传递”的意思。
  2. C 由pocket(口袋)一词可知,只能是把手伸进口袋里,故用into。
  3. B 根据后文可知,布莱克先生在口袋里想拿出的是眼镜(glasses)。
  4. A 表示对某事很失望,用be disappointed to do sth.结构。
  5. C 布莱克先生听到孙子说知道眼镜在哪里,所以他很高兴地(happily)问他。
  6. A 在公园,习惯性的搭配是in the park。
  7. B 后文说到“Mike, if you saw my glasses fall out of my shirt,( Mike, 如果你看见我的眼镜从我的上衣里掉出来),” 所以应该是眼镜从口袋里掉出来了。
  8. C 因为上面Mike说知道眼镜在公园,并且从口袋里掉了出来。肯定是看到了(saw)才这么说的。
  9. D 布莱克先生质问孙子Mike为什么不告诉他,而整篇文章都用过去时态来叙述,故用didn’t。
  10. A 当你把脚放在它们(指眼镜)上面的时候,我想你已经不需要它们了,即眼镜被踩坏了。
  1.C 由上一段中的weekend和下一段段首的Sunday可知此处应该是on Saturday morning。故选C项。
  2. B 购物是去超市、商场之类的场所,故选B项。其他选项均不符合题意。
  3. D 由后面的swimming pool 可知此处是指“去游泳”,go swimming 意为“去游泳”。
  4. B 四个选项中只有clean可以与house搭配,意为“打扫房子”,故选B项。
  5. A go out to后接表示地点的名词表示“外出去某地”,to表示方向。
  6. D 根据上下文可知此处是指吃饭,have dinner意为“吃饭”,have的过去式是had。
  7. C 上一段提到周六早上起得晚,此处还是说起得晚,故用一个表示“也”的副词。also意为“也”。
  8. D some more意为“多一些”,后接名词。
  9. B 此处应该是指“看望”,故用visit,其它选项均不符合语境。
  10. C read a book意为“看书”。其它选项均不与book搭配,read的过去式为read。
  1. C 由上文提到是琳达的生日,推知“她的朋友给她买礼物”,present“礼物”。故选C项。
  2. A 由下句中的a new one推知“她的文具盒很旧”。故选A项。
  3. C 词组close to意为“靠近”。
  4. C play basketball意为“打篮球”。
  5. A 由上句“琳达经常打篮球”推知“这是她最喜欢的运动”,sport意为“运动”。故选A项。
  6. B 由句意“托尼经常和琳达在学校吃午餐”可知答案为B项。
  7. A 前后句式为因果关系,即“因此他给她买了许多鸡肉”,可知答案为A项。
  8. D 由句意“生日晚会在下午6点开始”可知答案为D项。
  9. B 由前句中的信息词here推知该句意为“把他们的礼物带来给琳达”,可知答案为B项。
  10. C 由上下文推知该句意为“得到这些漂亮的礼物,琳达很高兴”,可知答案为C项。
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