
来源 :铁道工程企业管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaozhenying
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同志们:这次铁路客运专线建设工作座谈会开了一天,开得很好,达到了预期的目的。工程总公司、建筑总公司、四个设计院的领导作了很好的发言,大家以搞好客运专线建设为己任,充分表达了决心和信心,阐述了很多好的观点和思路,提出了许多好的意见和建议。借此机会,我代表铁道部党组,对工程总公司、建筑总公司、通号总公司及所属各设计院对铁路跨越式发展的大力支持和帮助表示衷心的感谢。会上,部有关司局负责同志作了发言,华武总工程师讲了很好的意见。刚才,东福副部长作了讲话,对客运专线建设工作作出了具体部署,我完全赞同。总之,通过这次座谈会,大家对搞好客运专线建设提高了认识、统一了思想、明确了目标和任务。对这次会议精神,各部门、各单位要认真抓好贯彻落实。 Comrades: This forum for the construction of the railway dedicated passenger line opened for a day and it opened well and achieved its intended purpose. Engineering Corporation, Construction Corporation, the leadership of the four design institute made a very good speech, everyone to do a good job passenger line construction, fully expressed the determination and confidence, elaborated a lot of good ideas and ideas, put forward many Good comments and suggestions. Taking this opportunity, on behalf of the party group of the Ministry of Railways, I’d like to express my heart-felt gratitude to the engineering headquarters, construction company, headquarters and its design institutes for their support and assistance to the leapfrog development of the railway. At the meeting, the responsible department comrades of the ministry made a speech and Chief Engineer Hua Wu made a very good opinion. Earlier, Vice Foreign Minister Dong Fu made a speech and made specific arrangements for the construction of the passenger dedicated line. I fully agree. In short, through this symposium, everyone has gained a better understanding of the construction of a dedicated passenger line, unified their thinking and defined their goals and tasks. The spirit of this meeting, all departments and units should conscientiously do a good job in implementing.
本文对曲线隧道内接触网定位处的悬挂受力状态进行了计算分析,对低净空小曲线隧道内定位点悬挂提出了建议。 In this paper, the calculation of the suspension force stat
指出了信阳上行场与客场间场联解锁电路存在的问题,分析了故障原因,提出了解决的方法。 The problems existing in the field-circuit unlocking circuit between the Xinya