庐山有99座山峰,峰峰皆是,常给人以山重水复、柳暗 花明的惊喜。该山的传说和真实的故事,也大都是那么迷离、回环、跌宕,令人情动于衷,一咏三叹。 一 1993年6月下旬的一天清晨,天还没大亮,只见庐山大厦对面的一座山林中,晃动着4个人影,正在仔细地寻觅着什么,其中有一男一女两位白发苍苍的外国老人。这两位老人在林中不停地走来走去,拨开密集的荆棘,不时弯着腰,翻动着一块块断石碑,抠着石上的绿苔和淤泥,仔细地辨认着残字。草上的露水浸湿了他们的鞋袜,树上摇落的水珠洒得他们满头满脸湿漉漉的。
Lushan has 99 peaks, peaks are, often give people heavy mountain water complex, brilliant surprise. The legend of the mountain and the true story, but also mostly blurred, loop, ups and downs, it is moving, a prayer. In the early morning of June 1993, one day in the morning of June 1993, there was not yet a bright day. I saw four shadows in a mountain forest across from Lushan Mansion and were looking for something carefully. Among them were a man and a woman with two white-haired foreigners Old man The two old men kept walking around in the forest, setting aside thick thorns, bending over from time to time, turning a piece of broken stone monument, pulling the green moss and mud on the stone, and carefully recognizing the word. The dew on the grass soaked their shoes and socks, and the drops of water falling on the trees spilled over their wet faces.