Test Generation with Unspecified Variable Assignments

来源 :Tsinghua Science and Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:daiguisheng613
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ATPG for very large scale integrated circuit designs is an important problem in industry. With the advent of SOC designs, testing and verification of the core-based designs become a challenging problem. This paper presents an algebraic test generation algorithm with unspecified variable assignments. Given a stuck at fault of the circuit with unspecified signals, the proposed algorithm uses a new encoding scheme for unspecified variable assignments, and solves the Boolean satisfiability formula representing the Boolean difference to obtain a test pattern. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and feasibility of the proposed algorithm. With the advent of SOC designs, testing and verification of the core-based designs become a challenging problem. This paper presents an algebraic test generation algorithm with unspecified variable assignments. Given a stuck at fault of the circuit with unspecified signals, the proposed algorithm uses a new encoding scheme for unspecified variable assignments, and solves the Boolean difference to obtain a test pattern. Experimental results demonstrate the efficiency and feasibility of the proposed. algorithm.
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