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为了提高冲压转子叶片的性能,通过数值模拟的方法研究了边界层抽吸技术在内压式冲压叶栅上的应用,结果表明,与未抽吸的工况相比,采取抽吸措施可以提高冲压叶栅的增压能力,且其增压能力随着抽吸流量的增加而提高。在喉口位置之前抽吸会增强抽吸缝后的激波强度;而在喉口以及喉口之后的亚声区进行抽吸可以增大叶栅扩张段的气动流通面积,这会使结尾激波向叶栅出口移动,有利于提高冲压叶栅的压比;在结尾激波之后的低能流体聚集区抽吸更有利于冲压叶栅总压恢复系数的提高。在喉口之后抽吸时,对于某一确定抽吸位置的工况,存在着使总压恢复系数最大的最佳抽吸流量;研究结果还表明,当抽吸流量固定时,在喉口位置抽吸比在其它位置抽吸更能提高冲压叶栅的增压能力。 In order to improve the performance of ram rotor blades, the application of boundary layer suction technology on the internal pressure ramjet cascades was studied by numerical simulation. The results show that, compared with the non-suction working conditions, the suction measures can be improved Stamping cascade supercharging capacity, and its supercharging capacity increases with the suction flow rate increases. Suction before the throat location enhances the shock intensity after the suction gap, while pumping in the throat and subsonic region behind the throat can increase the aerodynamic area of ​​the cascade expansion, The movement of the wave to the exit of the cascade is beneficial to increase the pressure ratio of the ramjet and the suction of the low-energy fluid after the last shock wave is more conducive to the improvement of the total pressure recovery coefficient of the ramjet. When suctioning behind the throat, there is an optimum suction flow that maximizes the total pressure recovery coefficient for a given pumping position. The results also show that when the suction flow is fixed, Suction more than other locations in the suction ramps to enhance the pressure boosting capacity.
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请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。中国民航2004年1月份主要运输生产指标统计$中国民用航空总局规划发展财务司 Please download to view, this article does not
请下载后查看,本文暂不支持在线获取查看简介。中国主要机场2004年3月运量统计 Please download to view, this article does not support online access to view profile. C