南京金城机械厂是航空工业总公司所属大型国有企业,现有职工5392人,固定资产原值430254万元近几年来,在党的改革开放政策指导下,在总公司的正确领导和地方政府的大力支持下,我厂大胆改革,果断决策,及时转换企业经营机制,捕捉发展机遇,使企业的面貌发生了深刻的变化,主要经济指标连续6年快速增长:1994年实现销售收入比1990年增长1 595%,比1993年增长69.5%;利税总额比1990年增长3189%,比1993年增长187.4%;出口创汇比1990年增长798%,比1993年增长117.8%;人均利税比1990
Nanjing Jincheng Machinery Factory is a large-scale state-owned enterprise affiliated to Aviation Industry Corporation. It has 5392 employees, and the original value of fixed assets is 430.254 million yuan. In recent years, under the guidance of the party’s reform and opening up policy, the correct leadership of the head office and the local government With strong support, our factory boldly reformed, made decisive decisions, timely converted the operating mechanism of the company, captured the opportunity for development, and made a profound change in the appearance of the company. The major economic indicators have been growing rapidly for six consecutive years. In 1994, sales revenue increased compared to 1990. 1 595%, an increase of 69.5% over 1993; total profits and taxes increased by 3189% over 1990, an increase of 187.4% over 1993; export earnings increased by 798% over 1990, an increase of 117.8% over 1993; per capita profit tax ratio 1990