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据研究,所有眼泪的50%是由于悲痛而流,21%为喜极而泣,其余的因为忧虑、悲愤、疼痛等。仅在德国,每天哭掉的眼泪约满满的40盆。人的一生流的眼泪约70升。眼泪的历史跟世界一样长久埃及人认为,人类就是滴滴眼泪的结晶。太阳神由于创造世界累得哭起来,神的每一滴眼泪掉到地球上就变成一个人长期以来,人们只知道哭,但不知道为什么哭。1960年,美国的人类学家阿斯莱·蒙特久提出这样的观点:眼泪是人类在为生存而斗争中的一个重要因素。在母亲的关怀下,儿童生长期跟动物相比要长得多。对孩子来说,想引起对自己的汪意,眼泪是唯一的可能。如果是无泪空喊,鼻子里的粘膜变干,容易感染疾病,相反,哭出眼泪使粘膜湿润,有助于孩子在头几年里更加健康眼泪不只是一滴滴咸水珠 70年代末,美国明尼苏达州的威廉·弗赖医生做过有趣的试验。他让参加试验的数干男女看一部情节悲伤的戏,把观众为主人公的不幸而流下的眼泪收集起来,医生研究了眼泪 According to the study, 50% of all tears flowed from grief, 21% were overwhelmed and the rest were worried, grieved, and ached. In Germany alone, about 40 pots of tears cried every day. People’s life shed tears about 70 liters. Tears history as long as the world Egyptians think that human beings is the crystallization of tears. As the sun god cried tired of creating the world, every tear of God fell into the earth and became a man. For a long time, people only knew crying, but did not know why they were crying. In 1960, American anthropologist Asle Montegur put forward the view that tears are an important factor in the struggle of mankind for survival. Under the care of the mother, children grow much longer than animals. Tears are the only possibility for a child to want to provoke his own wishful thinking. If there is no tears to cry, the mucous membranes in the nose dry out and are easily infected with the disease. On the contrary, crying tears make the mucous membrane moist and help the child to be healthier in the first few years. Tears are not just a drop of salt water. At the end of the 1970s, Dr William Fray of Minnesota has done an interesting experiment. He let a few men and women who participated in the trial see a scene of sad play and collected the unfortunate and shed tears of the protagonist, and the doctor studied the tears
湘西地区各民族患龋率为28.02%(147/5022),较国内各民族平均患龋率(37.3%)偏低。其中汉族患病率为30.21%,少数民族患龋率为25.16%,汉 The caries prevalence of all ethnic gro
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