
来源 :福建金融 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:peterkong
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近年来,福建省泉州市把引进台资作为建设海峡西岸经济区的着力点和切入点,全力打造全国第三大台商投资聚集区。发挥金融在建设台商投资聚集区和推进泉台产业对接中的支撑作用,已成为当前迫切需要研究的重要课题。本文通过对泉州台资企业的问卷调查,分析当前泉州台商投资聚集区建设对金融的需求以及金融支持的制约因素,提出助推泉州台商投资聚集区建设的金融对策。 In recent years, Quanzhou, Fujian Province, introduced Taiwanese investment as a focal point and starting point for the construction of the economic zone on the western coast of the Taiwan Straits, making every effort to build the third largest gathering area for Taiwanese businessmen in investment. It has become an urgent task for financial research to play a supporting role in building investment-gathering areas for Taiwanese businessmen and promoting the docking between industries in and out of Taiwan. Based on the questionnaire survey of Taiwanese-funded enterprises in Quanzhou, this paper analyzes the current financial needs of the Taiwanese investment agglomeration in Quanzhou and the constraints of financial support, and puts forward the financial measures to boost the establishment of Taiwanese investment agglomeration in Quanzhou.
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For a series of boron rings with planar hyper-coordinate 8th group transition metal atoms, singlet 1FeB8-2, multiplet kFeB9n (n = -1, k = 1; n = 0, k = 2), sing
主题浪漫全景全景丽江—找到属于我的Romantic丽江,一个梦幻般的世外桃源。丽江,一个见证我和他永恒爱情的净土。带上心爱的他,带上酷爱的aigo全景相机,一起出发吧! Theme P