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平泉出土金代伍拾贯交钞铜版张秀夫1990年夏季,河北省平泉县党坝镇暖泉村民,在胡启金家挖房基,于距地表约40厘米深处发现了一件伍拾贯交钞铜版。发现后正用铁锤砸时,被挑水路过的胡维友发现制止,使之免遭破坏。钞版已经镇文化站及时上交县文保所收藏。钞版呈长方形,长21.9、宽11.6、厚2.7厘米,重2600克。钞版黄铜质,周身布满绿锈,版面不平整,右侧隆起较明显,可能与锤击有关。左上角有一斜向的错范痕迹,无疑是浇铸时不慎所致。钞版翻置如覆斗状,四角各有一钉柱,其中一钉柱已残,据说是砸去的。钞版版面周围用双线为栏,栏内由菊花与仙鹤组成四方连续图案。靠近版心复有拦两重。版面文字栏上方横书"伍拾贯"。左侧栏外一行字:"每纸工墨钱捌文足纳旧换新减半"。版心可分上下两个区域。上一区域约占三分之一,中间书"伍拾贯八十足陌",其左为"字料",其右为"字号"。料号外分别书"伪造交钞处斩"及"赏钱贰佰贯文",均为九叠篆。下一区域约占三分之二,自左至右书写八行字,字体大小不一。录于下:平州奉户符承省奏准印造通行交钞内中都南京交钞库平州保州省库倒换钱钞攒司库子覆点勘讫吏目伪造交钞斩告捕赏钱叁佰贯日印造钞库予印造钞官尚书户部委差官整个 In the summer of 1990, villagers from Warm Springs in Dangba Town, Pingquan County, Hebei Province, dug homesteads at Hu Qijin’s house and found a collection of upstairs banknotes at a depth of about 40 cm from the surface. . After being found hit by a hammer, Hu Weiyou who was picked up by the water found stopping so that it would not be damaged. Banknote version of the town has been stationed in culture in a timely manner Jiabao County collection. The banknote is rectangular, 21.9 in length, 11.6 in width, 2.7 cm in thickness and weighs 2600 grams. Banknote version of brass, the whole body covered with green rust, the layout is not smooth, the more obvious uplift, may be related to hammering. The upper left corner has a diagonal pattern of the wrong way, no doubt caused by inadvertently casting. Reversal of the coin version of the bucket-like, four corners have a nail column, one of the nail column has been disabled, is said to be smashed. Banknote version of the layout around with a double bar, the column by the chrysanthemum and crane composed of four square continuous pattern. Close to the version of the heart have stopped double. Layout bar above the text “Wu pick up.” The left side of the line outside the line: “every paper mills 捌 text enough to replace the new half.” Edition heart can be divided into two areas up and down. About one-third of the previous area, the middle of the book, “Wu pick up eighty full foot street,” the left is “fonts”, the right is “size.” Materials outside the book separately, “forged banknote cut” and “reward money Erban consistent text,” are nine stacked seal. About two-thirds of the next area, writing eight lines from left to right, the font size varies. Recorded in the following: Pingzhou Fengrun Fu Zheng played against the standard printing pass within the bank to pay Nanjing Pingzhou Baozhou Provincial Treasury exchange banknotes to save the Treasurer sub-coverage of the survey site officials forged banknotes to catch money Three Bai consistent day to make banknotes to print money making Shang Shang ministries and commissions poor official throughout
<正> 1987年10月,在吉林省西北部的镇赉县境内大屯乡五家子村屯内出土了一颗东夏国时期的宫印。这颗印现收藏于县文物管理所,总编号为62号。此印为铜质,长方钮鼻,印面为正方形。重925克。边长为7.5厘米,厚为1.6厘米;钮鼻高3.2厘米,宽4.4厘米,厚为1.5厘米。
分析了670t/h锅炉因改造造成运行特性变化,飞灰可燃物增高的原因;介绍通过二次风配风、制粉系统运行方式的调整试验,掌握锅炉的运行特性,调整后,飞灰可燃物得以大幅度下降。 The reason