抓住了关键 强化了队伍

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武安市在农村基层组织整顿建设中,突出抓好农村党支部书记队伍建设,着眼于健全和完善选拔、培训、管理、激励等机制,使农村支部书记队伍建设,逐步走上规范化、经常化、制度化轨道。拓宽选人渠道,把能带领群众致富奔小康的能人选到支部书记岗位上来。首先,把选拔标准交给群众,让群众了解标准,推荐人选。我们把能认真贯彻党的路线、方针、政策,公正廉洁,年富力强,能带领群众致富的标准进行了细化,在保证政治素质的前提下,充分听取党员和群众的意见,充分发扬民主,注意群众公论,选拔出德才兼备的带头人。其次,疏通选人渠道,开阔选人视野,注意从回乡青年 In the rectification and construction of grassroots organizations in rural areas, Wu’an paid great attention to the construction of the party branch secretary team in rural areas. With a view to improving and completing the mechanism of selection, training, management and encouragement, the construction of the branch branch secretary team in rural areas gradually stepped into a standardization and regularization. Institutionalized track. Broaden the channels for selecting candidates, and select able-bodied people who can lead the masses to become well-to-do people in positions of secretary of the branch. First of all, the selection criteria to the masses, so that people understand the standard, recommended candidates. We have carefully defined the criteria for earnestly implementing the party’s line, principles and policies, being fair and honest, being old age, able to lead the masses to get rich, and fully listening to the opinions of party members and the masses under the premise of ensuring political quality, giving full scope to democracy and paying attention to Public opinion, select the leader of both ability and political integrity. Secondly, to clear the channels of election, broaden the horizons of candidates, and pay attention to young people returning home
孩子行为有异常,  家长无策空叹息  曾女士是一位小学老师,女儿小丁(化名)11岁,上小学五年级。曾女士来求助是被女儿的班主任劝过来的。她说,女儿经常偷拿家里的钱,屡教不改,而且变本加厉,最多的一次竟然偷了她300元钱。曾女士说起女儿一副痛心疾首、恨铁不成钢的表情,最后竟然泣不成声。她原来总认为自己很优秀,多次被评为优秀教师,女儿的偷钱行为让她在同事面前抬不起头。她为矫正女儿的行为用尽了办法,却没
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