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我场是一九四八年建场,总面积十八万亩,现有职工二百五十人。总场下设九个分场,一个“五·七”加工厂,四十三个工队。在毛主席革命路线指引下,全场宜林面积十四万五千多亩,到一九六○年完成了造林任务,现有林木蓄积量二十三万立方米。 我场在“四人邦”横行期间,革命和生产建设都遭受了很大损失。一九七五年通过贯彻中央(75)九号、十三号文件和第一次全国农业学大寨会议精神,特别是粉碎“四人邦”以后,林场的各项建设事业都有了很大发展。两年来,完成林木抚育和间伐三万四千亩,等于一九七五年以前抚育、间伐总面积的一倍多。改变了森林环境,促进了林木生长。一九七六年开始采伐,两年共向国家提供木材一千多立方米。同时,每年还支援周围社队小材小料和枝柴六百多万斤。林业机械发展到一百多台,一千三百多马力,相当于一九七五年以前全场各种机械总动力的三点六倍。现在我场已能生产刨床、索道、压刨机、轮盘锯等十多种林业机械。除解决本场需要外,还支援了兄弟场(圃)木旋床等一百五十多台。 My field was built in 1948, with a total area of ​​180,000 mu and currently employs 250 people. Under the total field of nine sub-field, a “5.7” processing plant, 43 teams. Under the guidance of Chairman Mao’s revolutionary line, the total area of ​​Yilin reached 145,000 mu. By the year 1960, the afforestation project was completed. The existing stock of trees stood at 230,000 cubic meters. During the rampant rampant in the “gang of four”, my revolution suffered and my production and construction suffered a great loss. After implementing the spirit of the 9th and 13th documents of the Central Government (75) and the first national conference on agricultural science in Dazhai in 1975, especially after the “gang of four” were smashed, various construction projects in the forest farms have been completed. Great development. In the past two years, 34,000 mu of forest tending and thinning have been completed, equivalent to more than doubling the total area for tending and thinning before 1975. Change the forest environment and promote the growth of trees. Logging began in 1976, providing timber to countries over two years for more than 1,000 cubic meters. At the same time, it also supports more than 600,000 kilos of small pieces of small materials and branches of firewood around the communes and brigades every year. Forestry machinery to more than 100 units, more than 1,300 horsepower, equivalent to 3.56 times the total power of various machinery before 1975. Now I have been able to produce field planer, cableway, pressure planing machines, saws and other circular wheel more than 10 kinds of forestry machinery. In addition to addressing the needs of this field, it also supports more than 150 sets of brothers’ beds (nurseries).
9月10日凌晨,我被大风用力拍打窗户的噼噼啪啪声吵醒了。我一骨碌爬起来,跑到窗前往窗外看,呀,许多树都在不停地晃动,粗大的雨点 On the early morning of September 10, I
关于南斯拉夫,许多人模糊的记忆还停留在电影《瓦尔特保卫萨拉热窝》《桥》或电视连续剧《黑名单上的人》等有限的影视作品里。我 With regard to Yugoslavia, many people
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