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时隔8年,中国终于获得了主办国际奥林匹克运动会的机会,成为有史以来亚洲第三个操办这一全球盛会的国家。如果说1964年的日本和1988年的韩国由于在各自首都成功主办奥运会而加快了它们跻身世界“发达”强国之列的步伐,那么,2008年中国北京奥运会将是一次向全 After eight years, China finally got the chance to host the International Olympic Games and became the third country in Asia ever to run this global event. If Japan in 1964 and South Korea in 1988 stepped up their ranks among the “advanced” powers in the world due to the successful hosting of the Olympic Games in their respective capitals, then the 2008 Beijing Olympics will be a one-on-one
A rapid,sensitive,and accurate method based on LC/MS/MS was developed and validated for the determination of domperidone in human plasma.Domperidone and interna
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科技先导 经济腾飞──伊化集团创建科技先导型企业侧记阎秉忠内蒙古伊克昭盟化工企业集团是1992年底在盟直化工企事业单位的基础上组建起来的一户跨地区多行业的国有大型企业。
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综合述评·金属功能材料的几个最新发展动向 王新林 (1- 1)……………………………………贮氢电极合金的发展 (一 )张永俊等 (1- 9)………Co基纳米晶软磁合金研究发展 何开元
A new steel matrix wear resistant composite reinforced by in situ granular eutectics can be obtained by modifying with a Si-Ce-Ti compound in the steel melt. Th