
来源 :工程与建设 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dawneagle
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由于闭口型压型钢板与开口型的板型不同,二者在受力变形时存在一定差异。为了研究闭口型压型钢板-混凝土组合板的刚度,采用7块闭口型压型钢板-混凝土组合楼板进行载荷试验,并加入4块开口型组合板作为对照。文章通过分析试验结果,得到了端部栓钉、钢板厚度、剪跨比、混凝土板厚影响闭口型组合板刚度的影响规律,并比较在相同影响因素下开口型与闭口型组合板受载刚度变化的区别。 Due to the closed-type profiled plate and the opening of the different plate-type, both in the deformation there are some differences. In order to study the stiffness of closed-type profiled steel-concrete composite panels, seven closed-type profiled steel-concrete composite floors were used for load test and four open-type composite panels were added as a control. Through the analysis of the test results, the influence law of the end stud, the thickness of the steel plate, the shear span ratio and the concrete slab thickness on the stiffness of the closed-end composite plate was obtained. The stiffness of the open and closed-end composite plates under the same influence factors The difference between the changes.
我的儿子今年9岁,但他却是中央人民广播电台的一位“老”听众了。 6年前,孩子才3岁时,我就打开收音机给他放“小喇叭”节目。后来孩子长到6岁时,我又给他按时放“星星火炬”
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在这么多年的体育教学中,我几乎每年担任一年级学生的体育教学,而广播操又是必教的,尽管孩子们对广播操不是很热衷,但我还是尽量变着法地让孩子们感觉到学操的乐趣。 In so
In the school curricula of the recent past, we were taught of seafaring nations such as the Spanish, the Portuguese, the Dutch, the English and the French and o
上海市劳动局于1984年对多、高层民用建筑内设置锅炉的问题,提出了处理意见,现全文刊登、供各地参考。 Shanghai Labor Bureau in 1984 on the multi-high-rise buildings i